homocytotropic antibody

ho·mo·cy·to·tro·pic an·ti·bod·y

antibody usually of the IgE class that has an affinity for tissues (notably mast cells) of the same or a closely related species and that, on combining with specific antigen, triggers the release of pharmacologic mediators of anaphylaxis from the cells to which it is attached; the tropism seems to depend on the Fc portion of the antibody molecule; in anaphylaxis in the guinea pig, the homocytotropic antibody involved is of the γG class. Synonym(s): reagin (4) , reaginic antibody

ho·mo·cy·to·tro·pic an·ti·bod·y

(hō'mō-sī-tō-trō'pik an'ti-bod-ē) Antibody of the IgE class that has an affinity for tissues (notably mast cells) of the same or a closely related species and that, on combining with specific antigen, triggers the release of pharmacologic mediators of anaphylaxis from the cells to which it is attached.
Synonym(s): reaginic antibody.

ho·mo·cy·to·tro·pic an·ti·bod·y

(hō'mō-sī-tō-trō'pik an'ti-bod-ē) Antibody of the IgE class with an affinity for tissues of the same or a closely related species and that, on combining with specific antigen, triggers the release of pharmacologic mediators of anaphylaxis.
Synonym(s): reaginic antibody.