

also an·aes·thet·ic A0276300 (ăn′ĭs-thĕt′ĭk)adj.1. Relating to or resembling anesthesia.2. Causing anesthesia.3. Insensitive.n.1. An agent that causes loss of sensation with or without the loss of consciousness.2. Something likened to this in effect: For some people watching television is an anesthetic for the mind.
[From Greek anaisthētos, without feeling : an-, without; see a-1 + aisthētos, perceptible (from aisthanesthai, to feel; see anesthesia).]
an′es·thet′i·cal·ly adv.


(ˌænɪsˈθɛtɪkəlɪ) adv the usual US spelling of anaesthetically