Heinrich Von Staden

Staden, Heinrich Von


Born circa 1542 in Ahlen; date of death unknown.

From 1564 to 1576, Staden lived in Russia and was an oprichnik. After returning to Western Europe, he engaged in anti-Russian activities and worked out plans for intervention in Russia by the German emperor Rudolf II (1578) and the Swedish king John III (1581). Staden was the author of The Land and Government of the Muscovites, an extremely valuable source on the history of Russia in the oprichnina era.


Aufzeichnungen über den Moskauer Staat, 2nd ed. Hamburg, 1964.
In Russian translation:
O Moskve Ivana Groznogo: Zapiski nemtsa-oprichnika. Translation and introductory article by I. I. Polosin. [Leningrad-Moscow] 1925.