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hydranencephaly[¦hī·drə‚en′sef·ə·lē] (medicine) A congenital anomaly in which there are vestiges of a cerebellum, occipital lobes, and basal nuclei; frontal and parietal lobes are replaced by a cyst; and the neurocranium is undeveloped. hydranencephaly
hydranencephaly [hi″dran-en-sef´ah-le] absence of the hemispheres" >cerebral hemispheres, their normal site being occupied by cerebrospinal fluid.hy·dran·en·ceph·a·ly (hī'dran-en-sef'ă-lē), Absence of cereberal hemispheres, which have been replaced by fluid-filled sacs, lined by leptomeninges. The cranium and its brain cavities, however, are normal. [hydr- + G. an- priv. + enkephalos, brain] hy·dran·en·ceph·a·ly (hī'dran-en-sef'ă-lē) Complete or nearly complete absence of cerebral hemispheres, which have been replaced by fluid-filled sacs lined by leptomeninges. The cranium and its fossae are normal. [hydr- + G. an- priv. + enkephalos, brain] |