

单词 houses



H0296300 (hous) n. pl. hous·es (hou′zĭz, -sĭz) 1. a. A structure serving as a dwelling for one or more persons, especially for a family. b. A household or family. 2. Something, such as a burrow or shell, that serves as a shelter or habitation for a wild animal. 3. A dwelling for a group of people, such as students or members of a religious community, who live together as a unit: a sorority house. 4. a. A building that functions as the primary shelter or location of something: a carriage house; the lion house at the zoo. b. A building devoted to a particular activity: a customs house; a house of worship. 5. a. A facility, such as a theater or restaurant, that provides entertainment or food for the public: a movie house; the specialty of the house. b. The seating area in such an establishment: dimmed the lights in the house to signal the start of the show. c. The audience or patrons of such an establishment: a full house. 6. a. A commercial firm: a brokerage house. b. A publishing company: a house that specializes in cookbooks. c. A gambling casino. d. Slang A house of prostitution. 7. A residential college within a university. 8. a. often House A legislative or deliberative assembly. b. The hall or chamber in which such an assembly meets. c. A quorum of such an assembly. 9. often House A family line including ancestors and descendants, especially a royal or noble family: the House of Orange. 10. a. One of the 12 parts into which the heavens are divided in astrology. b. The sign of the zodiac indicating the seat or station of a planet in the heavens. Also called mansion. 11. House music. v. (houz) housed, hous·ing, hous·es v. tr. 1. To provide living quarters for; lodge: The cottage housed ten students. 2. To shelter, keep, or store in a house or other structure: a library housing rare books. 3. To fit (something) into a socket or mortise. 4. Nautical To secure or stow safely. v. intr. 1. To reside; dwell. 2. To take shelter. Idioms: like a house on fire (or afire) Informal In an extremely speedy manner: ran away like a house on fire; tickets that sold like a house afire. on the house At the expense of the establishment; free: food and drinks on the house. put (or set) (one's) house in orderTo organize one's affairs in a sensible, logical way.
[Middle English hous, from Old English hūs.]


  • ginnel - A long narrow passage between houses.
  • row house - Part of an unbroken line or series of houses.
  • domal - Means of or pertaining to a house or houses.
  • vicinal, vicinity - Vicinal, from Latin vicus, "group of houses," means "of or pertaining to a neighborhood"—hence, vicinity.


See also architecture; buildings; places.
domatophobiathe abnormal fear of being in a house.ecophobia, oecophobia, oikophobia1. an abnormal fear of home surround-ings.
2. an aversion to home life.




  1. [A modern building] all glossy undulations and shining declivities, like a razor haircut in concrete and glass —Jonathan Valin
  2. (The place was) as conspicuously unadorned as a Presbyterian church —Jonathan Valin
  3. (Tenement house with mean little) balconies pulled out one by one like drawers —Vladimir Nabokov
  4. Bricks [in path to front door of house] laid close as your hairs —Sharon Olds
  5. A building long and low like a loaf of bread —Marge Piercy
  6. Buildings as badly painted as old whores —Larry McMurtry
  7. Buildings, lined up like ships —Helen Hudson
  8. Buying a new home is like raising children; there’s always room for improvement —Arlene Zalesky, Newsday/Viewpoints. September 27, 1986
  9. The church has a steeple like the hat of a witch —William H. Gass
  10. (Church) cold, damp and smelly as a tomb —Sean O’Faolain
  11. Cottages looking like something the three little pigs might have built —Sue Grafton
  12. Darkened houses loomed like medieval battlements —J. W. Rider
  13. Decrepit houses lay scattered around the landscape like abandoned machines on a battlefield —Peter Meinke
  14. Door … shut like an angry face —John Updike
  15. A duplex co-op that made Lenny’s [Leonard Bernstein] look like a fourth-floor walkup —Tom Wolfe
  16. An estate without a forest is like a house without a chimney —Sholom Aleichem
  17. A first home, like the person who aroused our initial awakening to sex, holds forever strong sway over our emotions —Dorothea Straus
  18. Frame houses collapsing at their centers like underdone cakes —Jean Thompson
  19. A glass-and-concrete air-conditioned block of a building cantilevered from the hillside like a Swiss sanitorium —Walker Percy
  20. The great glass doors … swished together behind him like an indrawn breath —A. Alvarez
  21. Her house is like her chiffon cakes, all soft surfaces and pleasant colors —Bobbie Ann Mason
  22. A home is like a reservoir equipped with a check valve: the valve permits influx but prevents outflow —E. B. White
  23. A house like this is like some kinds of women, too expensive even —James Hilton
  24. House narrow as a coffin —Angela Carter
  25. Apartments … looking like giant bricks stabbed into the ground —W. P. Kinsella
  26. Houses, like people, have personalities, and like the personalities of people they are partly molded by all that has happened to them —Louis Bromfield
  27. Houses that aged nicely, like a handsome woman —James Crumley
  28. Houses, their doors and windows open, drawing in freshness, were like old drunkards or consumptives taking a cure —Saul Bellow
  29. The house stood like a huge shell, empty and desolate —H. E. Bates
  30. House … trim and fresh as a birdcake and almost as small —William Faulkner
  31. It [house] sat among ten acres of blackberry brambles, like an abandoned radio —Tom Robbins
  32. [A ranch-style house] just too cute for words … it looked as if it had been delivered, already equipped, from a store —Christopher Isherwood
  33. Kept it [an old historic house] up like a museum —Ruth Prawer Jhabvala


  34. Long rows of apartment houses stood bald and desolate, like sad old prostitutes —Erich Maria Remarque
  35. It [a big building

    looked as bleak as a barracks —Robert Silverberg

  36. Looked as homey and inviting as the House of Usher —Sarah Bird
  37. Houses (seen from belfry) looked like small caskets and boxes jumbled together —Boris Pasternak
  38. A modern building made of … big cubes of concrete like something built by a child —Edna O’Brien
  39. Modern buildings tend to look like call girls who came out of it intact except that their faces are a touch blank and the expression in their eyes is as lively as the tip of a filter cigarette —Norman Mailer
  40. Paint peeled from it [an apartment house] in layers, like a bad sunburn —Paige Mitchell
  41. A peculiar, suggestive heaviness, trapping the swooning buildings in a sweet, solid calm, as if preserving them in honey —Angela Carter
  42. The pink stucco apartment house looked like a cake that was inhabited by hookers about to jump out of it any second —Robert Campbell
  43. A pretty country retreat is like a pretty wife: one is always throwing away money decorating it —Washington Irving
  44. Residences … of brick, whitewashed and looking faintly flushed, like a pretty girl, with the pink of the brick glowing through where the whitewash had worn off —Harvey Swados
  45. Slate roofs … like the backs of pigeons —Don Robertson
  46. Tents sprang up like strange plants. Camp fires, like red, peculiar blossoms, dotted the night —Stephen Crane
  47. Victorian house … shaped like a wedding cake —Laurie Colwin
  48. We require from buildings, as from men, two kinds of goodness: first, the doing their practical day well: then that they be graceful and pleasing in doing it —John Ruskin



(religion, spiritualism, and occult)

Houses, sometimes termed mundane houses, are one of the basic building blocks of astrological meaning. Astrological influences manifest themselves primarily through the planets (for astrological purposes, the Sun and Moon are both regarded as planets). These basic influences are modified according to (1) the signs of the zodiac (i.e., the familiar 12 astrological signs—Aries, Taurus, Gemini, etc.) in which the planets are placed, (2) the aspects (geometric angles) between them, and (3) the houses in which they are placed. An oversimplified but nonetheless useful rule of thumb is that planetary sign positions indicate personality tendencies, aspects between planets reflect how various components of one’s personality interact with one another, and house positions show how the personality manifests in the world.

As an illustration of these relationships, consider an individual with natal Mars in Virgo, who is also square to Saturn and in the eleventh house. As to personality, Mars represents outgoing, assertive, aggressive energies; this is what might be considered the basic nature of Mars.

Sign: Individuals born when Mars was in Virgo need to organize to get anything done. They tend to be very patient with detailed work. (Organization and patience with detail are both Virgo traits.)

Aspect: In contrast to Mars, Saturn is the cautious, security-seeking side of the personality. Square aspects often indicate conflicts, so, in this case, Mars square Saturn shows, among other things, an individual who vacillates between assertiveness and caution, between excitement-seeking and security-seeking.

House: The eleventh house indicates things about friends, group associations, and ideals. Mars here shows someone who has a lot of energy for friendships and ideals; such a person expresses that energy best in the context of group activities. In overaggressive individuals, Mars placed here shows a person whose assertiveness causes conflict with friends, as well as conflicts related to that person’s ideals.

Visually in an astrological chart, houses are the 12 “pie pieces” that together form the basic framework of the horoscope. Sign divisions (where signs begin and end) are not traditionally represented in a conventional chart, though sometimes—particularly in computer-generated charts—the sign divisions are indicated around the periphery of the chart wheel. If they were represented in the chart itself, one would have to draw in another 12 lines, making a total of 24 (which would result in a cluttered, aesthetically unappealing appearance). The numbers and symbols that appear around the outside of the wheel indicate where houses begin and end with respect to the signs of the zodiac. Starting at the 9:00 position (which in most systems of house division corresponds with the eastern horizon) and moving counterclockwise, the houses are numbered from 1 to 12. Thus, the first house begins at the 9:00 position and ends at the 8:00 position; the second house begins at 8:00 and ends at 7:00, and so forth.

The zodiac is traditionally thought of as beginning with Aries. The subsequent order of the signs is then counterclockwise around the ecliptic. Because the signs and houses both contain 12 members, astrologers have often noted a special relationship between sequentially corresponding signs and houses; in other words, they have often noted certain parallels of meaning between Aries and the first house, Taurus and the second house, Gemini and the third house, etc. The following list, which is by no means exhaustive, outlines some of the principal meanings of corresponding signs and houses. It is taken from Ralph William Holden’s The Elements of House Division. Note how sign traits indicate internal, psychological characteristics, while house traits tend to indicate external factors, as well as how personality traits manifest themselves in the world (houses tend to represent “signs in action,” in Holden’s words).

First sector—Aries: Energy, drive, force, heat, initiative, courage, pugnacious, selfish; First house: The appearance, disposition, and manner of the native, outlook on life, carriage, capacity for self development, vitality, health, inherent strength and physical condition, mental and emotional qualities.

Second sector—Taurus: Reliable, careful, trustworthy, hospitable, possessive, conservative, affectionate, greedy, grasping, obstinate; Second house: Hereditary and social background, financial standing, money, movable possessions and property, gain and loss of income, earning and spending capacity, personal debts, manner in which money is acquired and in which obligations are met.

Third sector—Gemini: Intelligent, lively, quick, versatile, inquisitive, communicative, restless, unstable, not dependable, erratic, oversmart; Third house: Power of mind, dexterity, cleverness, education, short journey, near relatives, neighbors, writing, communications, recording, lecturing.

Fourth sector—Cancer: Emotional, instinctive, protective, sensitive, maternal, domestic, moody, sullen; Fourth house: The home and domestic affairs, recollections, residence, base, end of life, private affairs, old age, early home life, lands, houses, estates, mines, things stored up, the hidden or unconscious, social care and concern, the sea.

Fifth sector—Leo: Proud, dignified, commanding, generous, reliable, strong-willed, confident, leadership, creative, sincere, wholehearted, reckless, power conscious, conceited, domineering; Fifth house: Offspring, creative and procreative urges, recreation, games, pleasures, artistic efforts, romantic affairs, gaming, speculation, risks, acting, theater.

Sixth sector—Virgo: Worker, servant, neatness, carefulness, precision, detail, sensible, critical, retiring, fault-finding, fussy, pinpricking, hygienic, clean; Sixth house: Food, clothing, pets, capacity to serve, employees, health, diseases, employment, daily work, servants, diet, hygiene.

Seventh sector—Libra: Companionable, harmonious, evenly balanced, diplomatic, indecisive, vacillating; Seventh house: Partnership, cooperation, marriage, war, legal contracts, lawsuits, divorce, treaties, enemies.

Eighth sector—Scorpio: Passionate, secretive, sexual, sensual, penetrating, resentful, mystical, unfathomable; Eighth house: Birth, death, regeneration, sexual instincts, occultism, legacies, others’ property, investigation, afterlife.

Ninth sector—Sagittarius: Intellectual, exploration, research, wideranging, far-reaching, freedom loving, sporty, traveler, religious, moral; Ninth house: Philosophy, religion, law, travel, exploration, research, foreign lands or people, higher education, publishing.

Tenth sector—Capricorn: Cautious, practical, prudent, ambitious, grave, stern, restrained, disciplined, authoritarian; Tenth house: The personal image, authority, honor, prestige, career, ambition, father, organizations, rulers, employers.

Eleventh sector—Aquarius: Original, independent, detached, scientific, cool, humane, freedom loving, congenial, social, reformer, eccentric; Eleventh house: Friends, contacts, clubs, social groups, humanitarian enterprises, altruism, hopes and wishes.

Twelfth sector—Pisces: Intuitive, expansive, sensitive, sympathetic, intangible mystical, artistic, occult, sacrificial, confused, deceived, escapist, sentimental; Twelfth house: Sacrificial service, repressions, neurosis, hidden enemies, prisons, asylums, institutions, occultism, mysticism, secrets.

According to Holden, the notion of a belt of zodiacal signs that modify planetary influences according to the sign in which planets are placed originated over 2,500 years ago in the ancient Near East. At least 300 more years passed before the notion of houses was developed, probably by the Egyptian astrologer Petosiris in the mid-second century b.c.e. The earliest house system, which was the system put forward by Ptolemy, was an equal house system.

An equal house system, as the name implies, draws all houses equal in width with respect to the ecliptic (the great circle at the center of the belt of the zodiac). Most systems of equal houses, including the earliest, begin the first house on the eastern horizon. Thus, someone born when the eastern horizon intersected Virgo at 26° would have a first house that began at 26° Virgo, a second house that began at 26° Libra, a third house that began at 26° Scorpio, and so forth. It is an ancient system of house division that is still used in Vedic astrology, although most Vedic astrologers use the full 30° arc of the rising sign as the first house. In other words, if someone’s rising sign was Leo—whether 1° Leo, 29° Leo, or any point in between—the full 30° arc of Leo from 0° to 30° Leo would be the first house. Then the full 30° arc of the next sign—in this example, Virgo—would be the second house, and so forth through the natural order of the zodiac. The most ancient house system used in Western astrology was the same—whole sign—approach to houses as Vedic astrology.

For the most part the equal house system had passed out of circulation among Western astrologers until relatively recently. Several popular astrology books, particularly Derek and Julia Parker’s The Compleat Astrologer (first published in the United States in 1971), propagated the equal house system because it is the easiest system to use. The increasing popularity of Vedic astrology in the West in combination with the new interest in recovering Western tradition astrology has also helped the older whole sign house system make a comeback. Most contemporary astrologers who do not use the equal house system are severely critical of it.

The other house systems that enjoy widespread acceptance begin the tenth house at the degree of the zodiac that is highest in the heavens (termed the midheaven or medium coeli [MC]), and the fourth house exactly 180° away from the cusp (beginning) of the tenth house (termed the nadir). Because of the tilt of Earth’s axis and the resulting inclination of the belt of the zodiac at a 23° angle (the angle of obliquity) away from the plane of the Earth’s rotation, the highest degree of the zodiac for any given point on Earth is often not 90° along the ecliptic from the zodiacal degree on the eastern horizon, even though the zenith and the horizon do, of course, lie at a 90° angle to each other. Why this is so is difficult to understand unless one is familiar with spherical geometry. Suffice it to say that the substantial angle between the zodiacal belt and the plane of Earth’s rotation results in either lengthening or shortening zodiacal degrees when the zodiac is superimposed on the plane of the horizon and the zenith.

Other than the equal house system, the systems of house division in popular use now all take the axis of the eastern and western horizon as demarcating the cusps of the first house (east) and the seventh house (west), and the axis of the medium coeli and the nadir as demarcating the beginnings of the tenth house (MC) and the fourth house (nadir). These systems differ in the various approaches they take to determining the other eight house cusps. Precisely how they differ is hard to explain unless one has thoroughly grasped all the notions related to the celestial sphere and celestial coordinates. The following brief summaries are provided in lieu of elaborately detailed explanations:

Porphyry Houses: The second-oldest house system was devised by the third-century astrologer Porphyry. The positions of the house cusps for the second, third, fifth, sixth, eighth, ninth, eleventh, and twelfth house are determined by dividing the arcs of the ecliptic contained in the four quadrants of a chart into even divisions of three. Few contemporary astrologers use this system.

Campanus Houses: Devised by Johannes Campanus, a thirteenth-century mathematician who was also chaplain to Pope Urban IV. Roughly similar to the Porphyry system, except that Campanus trisected the prime vertical in each quadrant, rather than the ecliptic. This system has enjoyed a modest revival because it was the system favored by the influential modern astrologer Dane Rudhyar.

Regiomontanus Houses: In the century after Campanus, Johannes Müller (who wrote under the name Regiomontanus), a professor of astronomy at Vienna, developed a similar system that trisected the celestial equator. Few contemporary astrologers use this system.

Placidian Houses: A seventeenth-century Italian monk and professor of mathematics named Placidus de Tito developed this system by trisecting the time it takes a degree of the zodiac to rise from the eastern horizon to the midheaven. Due to the widespread availability of Placidian tables of houses, this was the most popular house system in the early twentieth century, and it still enjoys widespread use.

Koch Houses. This is a very recent system, put forward in 1971 by Walter Koch, that also works by trisecting time. Although Holden characterizes it as possibly the least acceptable of all the time systems, it has enjoyed a surge of popularity over the past decade or so.

Although this overabundance of competing house systems may seem overwhelming, there are numerous other systems, of both ancient and modern origin, that have not been mentioned. These include, among others, Albategnian houses, Alcabitian houses, horizontal houses, meridian houses, morinus houses, and topocentric houses.

Because the differences between the various systems that share the midheaven-nadir axis as the cusps of the tenth and fourth houses are comparatively small, the most significant disagreement between competing popular house systems lies in the divergence between these midheaven-nadir systems and the equal house system. Thus, any attempt to find the “best” system should begin with an examination of this disagreement.

The chief argument in favor of midheaven-nadir approaches is that much informal astrological research has found that the midheaven is a sensitive point in a natal chart for career matters, whereas the nadir is sensitive to matters having to do with house and home. Because these correspond with the traditional meanings of the tenth and fourth houses, it seems inescapable that the midheaven and the nadir should be utilized as the cusps of these houses.

One encounters problems with midheaven-nadir houses, however, when attempting to construct charts for high latitudes. Using of any of these systems at high latitudes can result in exaggeratedly large houses (encompassing arcs of over 60°) as well as extremely tiny ones (less than 10°). Thus, in a location like Fairbanks, Alaska, for example, it is unlikely that one would find professional astrologers using anything other than the equal house system as their primary system. Any serious consideration of the problem of high-latitude chart casting seems to present an incontrovertible argument in favor of some kind of equal house approach.

These competing considerations suggest that any house system capable of becoming universally accepted among astrologers must somehow integrate the longstanding astrological experience that stands behind the use of the midheaven-nadir axis for the tenth and fourth-house cusps with the need to produce houses of reasonable width for individuals born in high latitudes. The basic incompatibility of these two requirements makes the likelihood of resolving the problem of competing house systems highly unlikely in the foreseeable future.


Frawley, David. Astrology of the Seers. Twin Lakes, WI: Lotus Press, 2000.Gettings, Fred. Dictionary of Astrology. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1985.Hand, Robert. Whole Sign Houses: The Oldest House System. Reston, VA: Arhat Publications, 2000.Holden, Ralph William. The Elements of House Division. Essex, UK: L. N. Fowler, 1977.McEvers, Joan. The Houses: Power Places of the Horoscope. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 1991.Parker, Derek, and Julia Parker. The Compleat Astrologer. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1971.Reprint, New York: Bantam, 1975. Rudhyar, Dane. The Astrological Houses: The Spectrum of Individual Experience. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1972.




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