


a helminthic disease of birds caused by the nematode Histrichis tricolor, which parasitizes the glandular stomachs of ducks and many wild birds. Geese and swine may also be infected.

The distribution of histrichosis is focal, usually in southern regions. Its pathogens are large tricolor nematodes (length, 30-100 mm). They develop in an intermediate host—earthworms. After eating the earthworms, the fowl become infected. Infection occurs only during the warm season on bodies of water rich in vegetation and slime and inhabited by earthworms. Treatment has not been developed. Preventive measures include raising ducklings in isolation on bodies of water with sandy bottoms and, in especially unfavorable locations, raising ducklings on dry land.


Petrochenko, V. I., and G. A. Kotel’nikov. Gel’mintozy ptits. Moscow, 1963.