History, Philosophy, and Literature, Institutes of IFLI

History, Philosophy, and Literature, Institutes of (IFLI)


higher educational institutions of the university type teaching the humanities; they existed in the USSR in the 1930’s.

The Moscow Institute of History, Philosophy, and Literature (MIFLI; originally called the Historicophilosophical Institute) was established in 1931 as a successor to the department of history and philosophy of Moscow University. It had sections of philosophy, history, antireligion, the history of technological development, regional studies, and art history and methodology. These sections, along with the subdepartments of philosophy and history of the Communist University of Social Science Instructors (which were incorporated into the institute), were later reorganized as departments of history, philosophy, literature, language, and art; a department of economics was established in 1939. In 1938 the institute was renamed the N. G. Chernyshev-skii Moscow Institute of History, Philosophy, and Literature, and in 1941 it became part of Moscow University.

The Leningrad Institute of History, Philosophy, and Linguistics (LIFLI), founded in 1931, included sections of history and literature, of regional studies and museums, and of editing and publishing. In 1934 these sections were reorganized into departments of linguistics, literature, history, and philosophy, which in 1937 were amalgamated with the corresponding departments of Leningrad University.