Gremiatskii, Mikhail Antonovich

Gremiatskii, Mikhail Antonovich


Born Nov. 21 (Dec. 3). 1887, in Smolensk; died Nov. 29. 1963. in Moscow. Soviet anthropologist and anatomist. Doctor of biological sciences (1935).

Gremiatskii was a professor at Moscow University from 1935. His principal works were on anthropology, anatomy, and the history of natural science. The problem of the Neanderthal stage in the evolution of man and the phylogeny of primates were central to his studies. He received the State Prize of the USSR (1950) for his study of the bones of a Neanderthal child from the Teshik-Tash grotto. Gremiatskii was awarded the Order of Lenin and various medals.


Uryson. M. 1. “M. A. Gremiatskii.” In the collection Voprosy antropologii, fasc. 17. Moscow, 1964. (Contains a list of Gremiatskii’s principal works.)