

单词 ideokinetic apraxia

ideokinetic apraxia

ideokinetic apraxia

[¦id·ē·ō·kə′ned·ik a′prak·sē·ə] (medicine) ideomotor apraxia

ideokinetic apraxia

i·de·o·ki·net·ic a·prax·i·a

, ideomotor apraxiaa form of apraxia in which simple acts are incapable of being performed, presumably because the connections between the cortical centers that control volition and the motor cortex are interrupted. Synonym(s): transcortical apraxia

ideokinetic apraxia

Neurology The dissociation of an idea and an act–eg, a Pt cannot whistle when commanded to do so, but may do so spontaneously

i·de·o·ki·net·ic a·prax·ia,

ideomotor apraxia (id'ē-ō-ki-net'ik ă-prak'sē-ă, id'ē-ō-mō'tŏr) A motor disorder in which simple acts are incapable of being performed, presumably because the connections between the cortical centers that control volition and the motor cortex are interrupted.




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