ICCIInternational Conference on Computing and Information
ICCIInternational Conference on Cognitive Informatics
ICCIIslamic Chamber of Commerce and Industry
ICCIIntercultural Communication Institute (Kanda University of International Studies; Japan)
ICCIInternational Conference on Computational Intelligence
ICCIInterreligious Coordinating Council in Israel
ICCIIllinois Clean Coal Institute
ICCIInstitut Català de Cooperació Iberoamericana
ICCIInsight Communications Company Inc. (stock symbol)
ICCIIslamic Cultural Centre of Ireland
ICCIInternational College of the Cayman Islands
ICCIIslamabad Chamber of Commerce & Industry
ICCIItalian Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Queensland, Australia)
ICCIInstitute for Cereal Crops Improvement
ICCIIndian Chamber of Commerce in Italy
ICCIInternational Center for Collaborative Innovation
ICCIInterplanetary Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Star Wars)
ICCIIntegrated Communication Consultants Inc.
ICCIIndonesia Cement & Concrete Institute
ICCIInternational Conference on Construction IT
ICCIInternational Circuits and Components, Inc.
ICCIInternet Chamber of Commerce International
ICCIIndian Council of Conservation Institute
ICCIIndependent Committee for Citizen Involvement
ICCIInternational Completion Consultants Incorporated
ICCIIndian Creek Camping Inc.
ICCIIssue of Common Concern or Interest
ICCIInternational Commerce Consultants Incorporated
ICCIInstitute of Criminal & Civil Investigations (Waco, TX)