

单词 icc



abbr.1. Indian Claims Commission2. International Chamber of Commerce3. Interstate Commerce Commission


abbreviation for (Cricket) International Cricket Council
Noun1.ICC - a former independent federal agency that supervised and set rates for carriers that transported goods and people between states; was terminated in 1995; "the ICC was established in 1887 as the first federal agency"Interstate Commerce Commissionindependent agency - an agency of the United States government that is created by an act of Congress and is independent of the executive departments



(1) See ICC profile.

(2) (Integrated Circuit Card) A credit card-sized or smaller module that contains a CPU and memory. See smart card and ICCID.

International Code Council (ICC)

An organization that is the consolidation of the BOCA, ICBO, and SBCCI.



Abbreviation for:
Indian childhood cirrhosis
infection control committee
intercalated cells
Integrated Child Credit 
Integrated Commissioning Consortium
interstitial cell of Cajal
intensive coronary care
internal conversion coefficient
intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma
invasive cervical carcinoma






See: International Chamber of Commerce

International Chamber of Commerce

The largest business organization in the world. It provides arbitration services for disputes between member companies in different countries. The ICC also examines potential policies and other measures that can be taken to promote international commerce. It was established in 1919 and maintains its secretariat in Paris.

Interstate Commerce Commission

A former organization of the U.S. federal government established to regulate railroads. Among other things, it ensured fair prices for consumers and attempted to prevent racial discrimination on rail. Its jurisdiction was later expanded to include trucking. It was established in 1887 and was abolished in 1995.


ICCInterstate Commerce Commission (US)
ICCInternational Conference on Communications
ICCInternational Cricket Council
ICCInternational Code Council
ICCInternational Chamber of Commerce
ICCInternational Criminal Court (Netherlands)
ICCIllinois Commerce Commission
ICCInternet Chess Club
ICCInterclass Correlation
ICCInternational Color Consortium
ICCIshikawa Computer Center (Japan)
ICCInternational Conference on Computing
ICCIntelligent Cruise Control
ICCInternational Coastal Cleanup (Ocean Conservancy)
ICCIntercultural Communication
ICCIntegrated Circuit Card (smart card)
ICCIllinois Central College (East Peoria, IL)
ICCIcecrown Citadel (World of Warcraft)
ICCInternational Conference on Circuits (various organizations)
ICCIntra-Class Correlation (organizational research)
ICCIndia Community Center (California)
ICCInternational Communist Current (est. 1975)
ICCInternational Christian Church
ICCInstitute Cargo Clauses (Institute of London Underwriters)
ICCInuit Circumpolar Council (various locations)
ICCInuit Circumpolar Conference
ICCIntraclass Correlation Coefficient (measurement reliability)
ICCInbound Call Center (software)
ICCInstitut Canadien de Conservation (Canada)
ICCInternational Convention Center
ICCInteragency Coordinating Council (various locations)
ICCIndian Cultural Centre (various locations)
ICCIntegrated Circuit Chip
ICCInternational Cricket Conference (now International Cricket Council)
ICCIdaho Correctional Center
ICCIntel C Compiler (computing)
ICCIntercounty Connector (Highway)
ICCInternationales Congress Centrum Berlin (German convention center)
ICCInternational Congress of Chemotherapy
ICCInternational Community Center (various locatins)
ICCIntercultural Communication Competence
ICCInterception of Communications Commissioner (UK)
ICCIndependence Community College
ICCInteragency Coordinating Committee
ICCInstitut Cartogràfic de Catalunya
ICCInternet Commerce Corporation
ICCIndian Claims Commission (Government of Canada)
ICCInter-Component Communication
ICCIrish Chamber of Commerce (various locations)
ICCInternational Call Center
ICCIntercontinental Championship
ICCInventory Control Clerk (job title)
ICCInternet Content Creation
ICCInteractive Cruise Control
ICCInter Carrier Communications
ICCInput Control Cell Counter
ICCInterface Controller Card
ICCIntel Channel Conference
ICCInstitute Computer Centre
ICCInstrument Command and Control
ICCIntegrated Chassis Control
ICCInitial Common Controls
ICCIntel Connects Cables
ICCIntegrated Circuit Card
ICCIncident Command Center
ICCIncreased Cost of Compliance
ICCImmediate Care Center (healthcare)
ICCItawamba Community College
ICCIntra Cluster Communication
ICCInstitute for Cultural Communicators (Murfreesboro, TN)
ICCIntegrated Command and Control
ICCInternational Association for Cereal Science and Technology (Austria)
ICCImperial Camel Corps (UK)
ICCIntegration Competency Center
ICCIntercultural Communications College (Honolulu, HI)
ICCInfant Care Center (various organizations)
ICCInternational Churches of Christ
ICCIntegrated Cancer Care (various locations)
ICCIndividual Cylinder Control
ICCInternational Commerce Centre (skyscraper; Hong Kong)
ICCIsrael on Campus Coalition (est. 2002)
ICCInternational Chemical Company (Philadelphia, PA)
ICCInternational Country Club (various locations)
ICCIngenieros Constructores y Consultores (Spanish: Builders, Engineers and Consultants; Guatemala)
ICCinsuficiencia cardíaca congestiva (Spanish: Congestive Heart Failure)
ICCInternational Coins & Currency (Montpelier, VT)
ICCIntercultural Cancer Council
ICCInstitute for Corporate Counsel (California)
ICCIndigenous Coordination Centre (Australia)
ICCInternational Critical Commentary
ICCIntensive Coronary Care
ICCInternational Church of Christ
ICCInternational Christian College (Glasgow, Scotland)
ICCIniciativa de la Cuenca del Caribe (Initiative for the Caribbean Basin)
ICCInvercargill City Council (New Zealand)
ICCInter Club Championship (bridge games)
ICCInternational Coordination Committee
ICCIbaraki Christian University (Japan)
ICCIntrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma
ICCInternational Calling Card
ICCInternational Cultural Center
ICCIntelligence Coordination Center
ICCIntegrated Control Center
ICCIndian Creek Camp (Liberty, TN)
ICCInternational Certificate Conference
ICCIn-Circuit Communication (computing)
ICCInfection Control Committee
ICCInternational Control Commission (Geneva Accords)
ICCIsle of Capri Casinos (St. Louis, MO)
ICCInternational Consultative Committee (various organizations)
ICCIndianapolis Children's Choir (Indianapolis, IN)
ICCIntegrated Chip Card
ICCInnovation Center China (AstraZeneca)
ICCInternational Communication Center (interactive multimedia facility)
ICCInterstitial Cell of Cajal
ICCInformation Coordination Center
ICCIndependent Citizens' Committee (various locations)
ICCInternal Communications Coordinator
ICCIsland Community Church (various locations)
ICCIntegrated Communications Center
ICCInstrument Control Center
ICCInter-Cultural Center (Georgetown University)
ICCIntegrated Communications Controller
ICCIreland Cancer Center (Cleveland, OH)
ICCIntelligent Call Center
ICCInterface Controller Card (Cisco)
ICCInstallation Control Center
ICCIndependent Christian Church
ICCInternet Credit Card (online shopping)
ICCIce Cream Consumption
ICCItem Characteristic Curve
ICCInternet Customer Care
ICCInternet Chamber of Commerce
ICCIntegrated Call Center
ICCInternational Conference on Creationism
ICCIntelligent Contact Centre (software)
ICCInternational Chemistry Conference
ICCIran Carpet Company
ICCInsuffisance Cardiaque Congestive (French: congestive heart failure)
ICCIntensive Confinement Center (Federal Bureau of Prisons; boot camp)
ICCIntersegmental Coordinating Committee
ICCInternational Congress Calendar
ICCIslamic Courts Council
ICCInternet Call Center (Micron)
ICCIndependent Consultants Cooperative
ICCIntelligent Communications Controller
ICCInternational Coordinating Committee of National Human Rights Institutions
ICCInternational Certification Commission
ICCIndian Camp Creek (Missouri)
ICCItalian Conference Center (Milwaukee, WI)
ICCInternational Computing Center
ICCIsland Cruising Club (sailing center; Salcombe, Devon, UK)
ICCInternational Council for Competition Climbing
ICCInternational Clay Conference
ICCIndianapolis Convention Center
ICCInteractive Communications Channel
ICCInformation Coordination Central
ICCInventory Carrying Cost
ICCInformation Control Cell (US FEMA)
ICCItalian Cars Club (France)
ICCImmaculate Conception College (Philippines)
ICCInternational Charismatic Consultation (formerly the International Charismatic Consultation for World Evangelization)
ICCInter-Company Collaboration for AIDS Drug Development
ICCIranian Cinema Channel
ICCInstitutional Capital Contribution
ICCInterim Cost Consultant
ICCIntelligence Control Center (US FEMA)
ICCInternational Color Committee
ICCInternet Content Coalition
ICCIndian Community Centre (Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK)
ICCIntelligent Customer Communication
ICCInternational Committee for Crimea (Washington, DC)
ICCIn-Country Consultant
ICCIn Country Contract (various companies)
ICCInternational Association for Cereal Chemistry (historical acronym, now International Association for Cereal Science and Technology)
ICCIndoor City Challenge (UK)
ICCIBM Credit Corporation
ICCInternet Control Center
ICCInternet Commerce & Communications (various locations)
ICCIllinois Campus Compact (coalition)
ICCInsurance and Consulting Capital (Zurich, Switzerland)
ICCIntentional Christian Community
ICCInternet Cubaweb Communications Corp. (Cuba)
ICCIntercostal Catheter
ICCInstitutional Classification Committee (prisons)
ICCInternational Computer Center
ICCInternational Camp on Communication & Computers
ICCInternode Communication Channel
ICCInnovative Control Circle (Malaysia)
ICCIndoor Climbing Center (Oregon State University)
ICCInstitute for Condom Consultancy
ICCInstitutional Communications Company
ICCInternal Conversion Coefficient
ICCItem Category Code
ICCInnovative and Creative Circle
ICCIce Crystal Consortium (aviation manufacturers)
ICCISDN Communication Controller
ICCInternet Career Connection (various locations)
ICCInterim Committee for Cycling (Sri Lanka)
ICCInternational Chardonnay Challenge (wine)
ICCInner-City Council
ICCInadequate Core Cooling
ICCInformation Call Completion (Ameritech)
ICCInformation Catalog Center
ICCInter-County Conference (Pennsylvania high school football)
ICCInstallation Claimant Consolidation
ICCIntegrated Combative Concepts (martial arts)
ICCInformation and Culture Center (various agencies)
ICCIntroduction to Child Care (course; various organizations)
ICCInternational Corrosion Conference
ICCIfield Community College (Crawley, West Sussex, UK)
ICCIndustrial Chemical Company
ICCInstitut Canadien du Crédit (Credit Institute of Canada)
ICCInterim CAOC (Combined Air Operations Center) Capability
ICCInitial CAOC Capability
ICCIntercrystalline Corrosion
ICCChief Interior Communications Electrician (Naval Rating)
ICCInformation Coordination Council
ICCInternet Collaboration Center (Sprint)
ICCInternational Car Company (travel; est. 1997)
ICCIncoming Trunk Circuit (ANSI, ITU-T)
ICCIngleside Community Center (California)
ICCInterstate Coin Club
ICCInternational Citrus Congress (conference)
ICCImmunization Coordination Committee (WHO)
ICCInstructor Control Console
ICCIndividually Calculated Customer
ICCIntermittent Control System
ICCIndice des Coûts de Construction
ICCInitial Connectivity Capability
ICCIdaho Cooperative Council
ICCInverter Converter Controller
ICCInterference Channel with Common Information
ICCIndividual Camouflage Cover
ICCInformation Coordination Control
ICCISDN Competence Center
ICCIce Cream Corner (Hershey, PA)
ICCInterfaith Community Connection
ICCInterface Control Console
ICCInsite Customer Control (Sprint)
ICCInductive Cross Coupling
ICCIntermediate Course Correction
ICCInterCard Communications (Cisco)
ICCInterface Controlled Crystallization
ICCInter-Connecting Corridor
ICCInteroperability Certification Committee
ICCInteraural Crosstalk Cancellation (audio engineering)
ICCInjury Claims Central
ICCInstallation Calibration Coordinator
ICCIntersite Communications Component
ICCInternode Communications Channel (SMP)
ICCInteroceanic Canal Commission
ICCInventory Control Center/Code
ICCIntraatomic Correlation Correction
ICCIntegrated Circuit Compiler
ICCIchinomiya City Cable (Aichi, Japan)
ICCInternational Committee of Commerce
ICCInazawa Christian Church (Inazawa, Japan)
ICCIsolation Confirmation Certificate (petroleum engineering)
ICCIndependent Control Check (aviation maintenance)
ICCInstallation Command Center (US Air Force)
ICCIowa Cancer Consortium (est. 2001; formerly Iowa Cancer Comprehensive Cancer Control)


  • noun

Synonyms for ICC

noun a former independent federal agency that supervised and set rates for carriers that transported goods and people between states


  • Interstate Commerce Commission

Related Words

  • independent agency




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