Acronym | Definition |
HGA➣High-Gain Antenna |
HGA➣Hokkaido Golf Association (Japan) |
HGA➣Human Granulocytic Anaplasmosis (infectious disease) |
HGA➣Handweavers Guild of America |
HGA➣Human Growth Agent |
HGA➣His Glory Alone (Christian rap group) |
HGA➣High Gain Antenna |
HGA➣Houston Golf Assossiation (Houston, TX) |
HGA➣Host Government Agreement (foreign investing) |
HGA➣Hammel Green and Abrahamson |
HGA➣Hop Growers of America (Moxee, WA) |
HGA➣Human Genetics Alert (watchdog group; London, UK) |
HGA➣Higher Ground Academy (Minnesota) |
HGA➣Homogentisic Acid |
HGA➣Hercules Graphics Adapter |
HGA➣Higher Grade Assistant (Life Insurance Corporation of India) |
HGA➣Holy Guardian Angels (Reading, PA catholic church) |
HGA➣Honor Guard Academy |
HGA➣High Growth Area |
HGA➣Heat Generating Assembly |
HGA➣Hardware-carrier Group Alarm (CCS #7/ITU-T) |
HGA➣Human Great Ape |
HGA➣Hawaii Grommet Association (surfing) |
HGA➣High-Speed Graphics Assembly |
HGA➣High Grade Algorithm |