Acronym | Definition |
IMM➣Integrated Management Module |
IMM➣Injection Molding Magazine |
IMM➣Instituto de Medicina Molecular (Portugusese: Institute of Molecular Medicine; Lisbon, Portugal) |
IMM➣Immokalee Regional Airport (Florida) |
IMM➣International Mail Manual |
IMM➣Institut für Mikrotechnik Mainz (Germany) |
IMM➣Institute of Materia Medica (Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences) |
IMM➣Independent Media Marketplace |
IMM➣Integrated Marketing Management |
IMM➣International Monetary Market (Chicago) |
IMM➣Integrated Materiel Management (US DoD) |
IMM➣Inline Memory Module |
IMM➣Input Method Manager |
IMM➣Idle Material Management |
IMM➣Immediate |
IMM➣Institute of Molecular Medicine (University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston) |
IMM➣Institute of Molecular Medicine (UK) |
IMM➣Informatics and Mathematical Modelling |
IMM➣Interactive Multimedia |
IMM➣Istituto per la Microelettronica e Microsistemi (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche; Italy) |
IMM➣Interactive Media Manager |
IMM➣Injection Molding Machine |
IMM➣Interacting Multiple Model |
IMM➣Introduction to Marketing Management (various locations) |
IMM➣Input Method Manager (Microsoft) |
IMM➣Indian-Meal Moth (pest) |
IMM➣International Man of Mystery |
IMM➣Instituto de Microelectrónica de Madrid (Spain) |
IMM➣International Model Management |
IMM➣Institute of Marketing Management (South Africa) |
IMM➣Integrated Media Management |
IMM➣International Microfinance and Microenterprise |
IMM➣Intel Management Module |
IMM➣Institute for Molecular Manufacturing |
IMM➣Institution of Mining and Metallurgy (UK) |
IMM➣Industries Mécaniques Maghrébines (Tunisian car manufacturer) |
IMM➣International Marketing Management |
IMM➣International Media Ministries (Brussels, Belgium) |
IMM➣Institute of Municipal Management (Australia) |
IMM➣Instytut Maszyn Matematycznych (Poland) |
IMM➣Isuzu Manufacturing Management (Japan) |
IMM➣Institute for Molecules and Materials (Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands) |
IMM➣Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics (Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Russia) |
IMM➣Innovative Mobile Marketing (Bourbonnais, IL) |
IMM➣International Marketing and Management |
IMM➣International Merchandise Mart (Singapore) |
IMM➣Informatik og Matematisk Modellering (Denmark) |
IMM➣Integration Maturity Model (organizational model) |
IMM➣I My Me (anime) |
IMM➣Integrated Material Manager (US DoD) |
IMM➣Integrated Medication Management (QuadraMed Pharmacy) |
IMM➣I Me Mine (Beatles song) |
IMM➣Intersection Midblock Model |
IMM➣International Musculoskeletal Medicine (journal; International Academy of Manual/Musculoskeletal Medicine) |
IMM➣intelligent information management |
IMM➣Integrated Maintenance Management |
IMM➣Idaho Mountain Ministries |
IMM➣Integrated Management Model |
IMM➣Instructional Media Material |
IMM➣Isotope Measurement Laboratory |
IMM➣Image Manifest Message |
IMM➣Inbound Message Manager |
IMM➣Introduction to Modern Mathematics |
IMM➣Installation Maintenance Manager |
IMM➣Inverted Metamorphic Multijunction (high-efficiency solar cells) |
IMM➣Impedance-Matching Module |
IMM➣Integration Methodology Model |
IMM➣Intelligent Mexican Marketing, LLC (Grand Prairie, TX) |