

单词 hypothesis



H0370300 (hī-pŏth′ĭ-sĭs)n. pl. hy·poth·e·ses (-sēz′) 1. A tentative explanation for an observation, phenomenon, or scientific problem that can be tested by further investigation.2. Something taken to be true for the purpose of argument or investigation; an assumption.3. The antecedent of a conditional statement.
[Latin, subject for a speech, from Greek hupothesis, proposal, supposition, from hupotithenai, hupothe-, to suppose : hupo-, hypo- + tithenai, to place; see dhē- in Indo-European roots.]


(haɪˈpɒθɪsɪs) n, pl -ses (-ˌsiːz) 1. a suggested explanation for a group of facts or phenomena, either accepted as a basis for further verification (working hypothesis) or accepted as likely to be true. Compare theory52. an assumption used in an argument without its being endorsed; a supposition3. (Logic) an unproved theory; a conjecture[C16: from Greek, from hupotithenai to propose, suppose, literally: put under; see hypo-, thesis] hyˈpothesist n


(haɪˈpɒθ ə sɪs, hɪ-)

n., pl. -ses (-ˌsiz) 1. a provisional theory set forth to explain some class of phenomena, either accepted as a guide to future investigation (working hypothesis) or assumed for the sake of argument and testing. 2. a proposition assumed as a premise in an argument. 3. the antecedent of a conditional proposition. 4. a mere assumption or guess. [1590–1600; < Greek hypóthesis basis, supposition = hypo(ti)thé(nai) to assume, suppose (hypo- hypo- + tithénai to put, place) + -sis -sis] hy•poth′e•sist, n. syn: See theory.


(hī-pŏth′ĭ-sĭs) Plural hypotheses (hī-pŏth′ĭ-sēz′) A statement that explains a set of facts and can be tested to determine if it is false or inaccurate.Usage The words hypothesis, law, and theory refer to different kinds of statements that scientists make about natural phenomena. A hypothesis is a statement that attempts to explain a set of facts. It forms the basis for an experiment that is designed to test whether it is true. Suppose your friend Smedley's room is a mess; your hypothesis might be that Smedley makes the room messy. You could test this hypothesis with an experiment: tidy up the room and see if it becomes messy again after Smedley returns. A scientific law is a statement that is believed to be true all the time for a set of conditions. If Smedley's room is always a mess when he is in it, you might propose a "Smedley's Mess Law" stating that whenever Smedley is in his room, he will always make it messy. Laws have the power to predict what will happen under the conditions they apply to. Thus, "Smedley's Mess Law" predicts that Smedley's room will be messy anytime Smedley is in it. A theory is a set of principles or statements devised to explain a whole group of observations or phenomena. A theory thus tries to account for a wider variety of events than a law does. Broad acceptance of a theory comes when it has been repeatedly tested experimentally on new data and makes accurate predictions about them. If people noticed that it became messy everywhere Smedley went, it might lead to the theory that Smedley brings messiness wherever he goes. This theory could be tested by bringing Smedley somewhere he's never been.


1. a principle or proposition that is assumed for the sake of argument or that is taken for granted to proceed to the proof of the point in question.
2. a system or theory created to account for something that is not understood. — hypothesist, hypothetist, n.hypothetic, hypothetical, adj.
See also: Philosophy
1. a principle or proposition that is assumed for the sake of argument or that is taken for granted to proceed to the proof of the point in question.
2. a system or theory created to account for something that is not understood. — hypothesist, hypothetist, n. — hypothetic, hypothetical, adj.
See also: Argumentation


A suggested explanation for events and phenomena.
Noun1.hypothesis - a proposal intended to explain certain facts or observationsproposal - something proposed (such as a plan or assumption)
2.hypothesis - a tentative insight into the natural world; a concept that is not yet verified but that if true would explain certain facts or phenomena; "a scientific hypothesis that survives experimental testing becomes a scientific theory"; "he proposed a fresh theory of alkalis that later was accepted in chemical practices"theory, possibilityconcept, conception, construct - an abstract or general idea inferred or derived from specific instanceshypothetical - a hypothetical possibility, circumstance, statement, proposal, situation, etc.; "consider the following, just as a hypothetical"gemmule - the physically discrete element that Darwin proposed as responsible for heredityframework, model, theoretical account - a hypothetical description of a complex entity or process; "the computer program was based on a model of the circulatory and respiratory systems"conjecture, speculation - a hypothesis that has been formed by speculating or conjecturing (usually with little hard evidence); "speculations about the outcome of the election"; "he dismissed it as mere conjecture"supposal, supposition, assumption - a hypothesis that is taken for granted; "any society is built upon certain assumptions"theory - a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world; an organized system of accepted knowledge that applies in a variety of circumstances to explain a specific set of phenomena; "theories can incorporate facts and laws and tested hypotheses"; "true in fact and theory"historicism - a theory that social and cultural events are determined by history
3.hypothesis - a message expressing an opinion based on incomplete evidencehypothesis - a message expressing an opinion based on incomplete evidenceguess, speculation, supposition, surmisal, surmise, conjectureopinion, view - a message expressing a belief about something; the expression of a belief that is held with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof; "his opinions appeared frequently on the editorial page"divination - successful conjecture by unusual insight or good luck


noun theory, premise, proposition, assumption, thesis, postulate, supposition, premiss Different hypotheses have been put forward.


nounA belief used as the basis for action:theory.


(haiˈpoθəsis) plural hyˈpotheses (-siːz) noun an unproved theory or point of view put forward, eg for the sake of argument. 假設 假设hypothetical (haipəˈθetikəl) adjective imaginary; supposed. 假設的 假设的hypothetically (haipəˈθetikəli) adverb 假設上 假设地



an unproved theory; a conjecture


any proposition which is advanced for testing or appraisal as a generalization about a phenomenon. See also EXPERIMENTAL HYPOTHESIS, NULL HYPOTHESIS, HYPOTHETICO-DEDUCTIVE EXPLANATION AND METHOD.



that which lies at the base of something; cause or essence. Examples of hypothesis are Democritus’ “atoms,” Plato’s “ideas,” and Aristotle’s “prime mover.” In modern usage a hypothesis is an assumption or speculation expressed in the form of a judgment (or judgments) of something, for example, the “anticipation of nature” in the formulation of laws of natural science. The original meaning of the term “hypothesis” has become part of the notion of “scientific hypothesis,” expressing a preliminary judgment about regular, or causal, relationships.

According to I. Kant, a hypothesis is not idle speculation, but an opinion about the real status of things, worked out under the strict supervision of reason. As one means of explaining facts and observations—experimental data—a hypothesis is most often worked out according to the rule “What we want to explain is analogous to what we already know.” Any scientific hypothesis begins with a cognitive question, for example: “If heavenly bodies are subject to the law of free falling, then why is the motion of the planets possible?” The question expresses the need of cognition, or passing from nonknowledge to knowledge, and it arises when certain data are available for answering it—facts, additional theories or hypotheses, and so forth. In this sense a scientific hypothesis, in keeping with its gnoseological role, is a connecting link between “knowledge” and “nonknowledge” (hence the role of the hypothesis in processes of scientific discovery) and, in keeping with its logical role, is “a form of development of natural science, since it has to do with thought” (F. Engels, in K. Marx and F. Engels, Soch., 2nd ed., vol. 20, p. 555). A description of a hypothesis as a basic form of cognitive mastery of the world reflects not only its role in natural science, but also and equally its role in the social sciences. An example is the hypothesis of materialism in sociology advanced by K. Marx. In Lenin’s words, this hypothesis first raised sociology to the rank of a science (Poln. sobr. soch., 5th ed., vol. 1, pp. 136-37, 139-40).

In order to be scientific, a hypothesis must satisfy several requirements. First, it should be verifiable (at least in principle), that is, the consequences adduced from it by logical deduction should be submitted to experimental verification and should correspond to the results of experiments, observations, and available factual material. Therefore, science tends to give a hypothesis a precise logical (mathematical) formulation so that it can be included as a general principle in a deductive system, and the results of deduction can later be compared with the results of observations and experiments. A purely logical “skeleton” of the procedure for introducing hypotheses in a deductive proof and eliminating them is provided, for example, by the rules of so-called natural logical deduction. The methodological techniques for confirming a hypothesis and particularly its likelihood at a given level of knowledge are studied in inductive and probability logic in the theory of statistical solutions. The second requirement for a hypothesis is that it be sufficiently general and have sufficient predictive force—that is, it should explain not only those phenomena whose observation gave rise to it but also all related phenomena. In addition, it should serve as the basis for drawing conclusions about unknown phenomena (a characteristic, in particular, of so-called mathematical hypotheses). The third requirement is that a hypothesis not be logically contradictory. By the rules of logic, any conclusions can be drawn from a contradictory hypothesis—both those verifiable in the sense of the first requirement and their negations. A contradictory hypothesis is deliberately devoid of cognitive value. The first and second requirements distinguish scientific hypotheses from so-called working hypotheses, which are intended only for the “tentative explanation” of a given phenomenon and do not claim to reflect the “true state of affairs.” Working hypotheses are often used as intermediary links in scientific constructions because of their didactic value.


Navil’, E. Logika gipotezy. St. Petersburg, 1882.
Dzhevons, S. Osnovy nauki. St. Petersburg, 1881. Chapter 23.
Asmus, V. F. “Gipoteza.” In Logika. Moscow, 1956.
Kuznetsov, I. V. “O matematicheskoi gipoteze.” Voprosy filosofii, 1962, no. 10.
Pólya, G. Matematika i pravdopodobnye rassuzhdeniia. Moscow, 1957. (Translated from English.)
Kopnin, P. V. Gipoteza i poznanie deistvitel’nosti. Kiev, 1962.
Novoselov, M. M. “K voprosu o korrektnom primenenii veroiat-nostnykh metodov pri analize myslitel’nykh zadach.” Voprosy psikhologii, 1963, no. 2.
Vil’keev, D. V. “Rol’ gipotezy v obuchenii.” Sovetskaia pedagogi-ka, 1967, no. 6.
Bazhenov, L. B. “Sovremennaia nauchnaia gipoteza.” In Mate-rialisticheskaia dialektika i metody estestvennykh nauk. Moscow,1968.



[hī′päth·ə·səs] (science and technology) A proposition which is assumed to be true in proving another proposition. A proposition which is thought to be true because its consequences are found to be true. (statistics) A statement which specifies a population or distribution, and whose truth can be tested by sample evidence.



 [hi-poth´ĕ-sis] a supposition that appears to explain a group of phenomena and is advanced as a bases for further investigation.alternative hypothesis the hypothesis that is formulated as an opposite to the null hypothesis in a statistical test.complex hypothesis a prediction of the relationship between two or more independent variables and two or more dependent variables.directional hypothesis a statement of the specific nature (direction) of the relationship between two or more variables.Lyon hypothesis a hypothesis about development of X chromosomes in the embryo; see lyon hypothesis.Monro-Kellie hypothesis [mun-ro´ kel´e] an explanation of the maintenance of intracranial pressure: The skull is viewed as a closed container housing brain tissue, blood, and cerebrospinal fluid; a change in any of these three components will affect the other two. If the volume added to the cranial vault is equal to the volume displaced, the intracranial volume will not change.nondirectional hypothesis a statement that a relationship exists between two variables, without predicting the exact nature (direction) of the relationship.null hypothesis the hyothesis that the effect, relationship, or other manifestation of variables and data under investigation does not exist; an example would be the hypothesis that there is no difference between experimental and control groups in a clinical trial.hypothesis test the abstract procedure that is the theoretical basis of most statistical tests. A hypothesis test decides between two hypotheses, the null hypothesis (H0) that the effect under investigation does not exist and the alternative hypothesis (H1) that some specified effect does exist, based on the observed value of a test statistic whose sampling distribution is completely determined by H0. The decision is made to reject H0 and by implication to accept H1 when the test statistic falls within a given set of values called the critical region. This region is so determined that the probability of rejecting H0 when it is in fact true (a so-called Type I error, the reporting as significant results that are only the result of random variation and not a real effect), is set at a specified level (symbol α). When this level is set before the data are collected, usually at 0.05 or 0.01, it is called the significance level or α level. It is now more common to report the smallest α at which the null hypothesis can be rejected; this is called the significance probability or P value. The ability of the test to accept a true alternative (and thus to detect a real effect when it exists) is termed the power of the test. Note that no statistical test actually tests the H1.


(hī-poth'ĕ-sis), A conjecture advanced for heuristic purposes, cast in a form that is amenable to confirmation or refutation by conducting of definable experiments and the critical assembly of empiric data; not to be confused with assumption, postulation, or unfocused speculation.
See also: postulate, theory.
[G. foundation, assumption fr. hypotithenai, to lay down]


(hī-pŏth′ĭ-sĭs)n. pl. hypothe·ses (-sēz′) 1. A tentative explanation for an observation, phenomenon, or scientific problem that can be tested by further investigation.2. Something taken to be true for the purpose of argument or investigation; an assumption.3. The antecedent of a conditional statement.


Epidemiology A supposition, arrived at from observation or reflection, that leads to refutable predictions; a conjecture cast in a form that will allow it to be tested and refuted


, pl. hypotheses (hī-poth'ĕ-sis, -sēz) A conjecture cast in a form that is amenable to confirmation or refutation by experiment and the assembly of data; not to be confused with assumption, postulation, or unfocused speculation.
See also: postulate, theory
[G. foundation, assumption fr. hypotithenai, to lay down]


A tentative proposition used as a basis for reasoning or experimental research, by means of which it may be rejected or incorporated into accepted knowledge. See NULL HYPOTHESIS.


a proposition assumed on the basis of observation which might account for or explain something which is not fully understood. see SCIENTIFIC METHOD.


In statistics, an indication that the results of an investigation on a population (e.g. patients) differ from those of another population (e.g. general) by an amount that could not happen by chance alone. This is evaluated by establishing a significance level, that is the probability, called p value, which leads us to reject or accept the null hypothesis Ho (there is no significant difference between two populations and the difference is attributed to chance) and accept or reject the alternative hypothesis H1 that there is a statistically significant difference between two populations. A p value p < 0.05 is often considered significant, but the lower this figure, the stronger the evidence. See randomized controlled trial.


, pl. hypotheses (hī-poth'ĕ-sis, -sēz) A conjecture advanced for heuristic purposes, cast in a form that is amenable to confirmation or refutation by conducting of definable experiments and the critical assembly of empiric data.
See also: theory
[G. foundation, assumption fr. hypotithenai, to lay down]


Related to Hypothesis: Null hypothesis, Hypothesis testing, research hypothesis


An assumption or theory.

During a criminal trial, a hypothesis is a theory set forth by either the prosecution or the defense for the purpose of explaining the facts in evidence. It also serves to set up a ground for an inference of guilt or innocence, or a showing of the most probable motive for a criminal offense.



a prediction derived from theoretical analysis that is couched in a form precise enough to be subjected to testing against empirical data. In economics, hypotheses are generated by a process of logical deduction from sets of initial assumptions about the behaviour of consumers, producers, etc., and are generally tested by collecting economic data and using statistical techniques to analyse them. This testing can lead to modification of the economic theory in the light of the new economic data or to abandonment of that theory in favour of an alternative theory that better explains the facts. See HYPOTHESIS TESTING.


Related to hypothesis: Null hypothesis, Hypothesis testing, research hypothesis
  • noun

Synonyms for hypothesis

noun theory


  • theory
  • premise
  • proposition
  • assumption
  • thesis
  • postulate
  • supposition
  • premiss

Synonyms for hypothesis

noun a belief used as the basis for action


  • theory

Synonyms for hypothesis

noun a proposal intended to explain certain facts or observations

Related Words

  • proposal

noun a tentative insight into the natural world


  • theory
  • possibility

Related Words

  • concept
  • conception
  • construct
  • hypothetical
  • gemmule
  • framework
  • model
  • theoretical account
  • conjecture
  • speculation
  • supposal
  • supposition
  • assumption
  • theory
  • historicism

noun a message expressing an opinion based on incomplete evidence


  • guess
  • speculation
  • supposition
  • surmisal
  • surmise
  • conjecture

Related Words

  • opinion
  • view
  • divination




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