

单词 house



H0296300 (hous) n. pl. hous·es (hou′zĭz, -sĭz) 1. a. A structure serving as a dwelling for one or more persons, especially for a family. b. A household or family. 2. Something, such as a burrow or shell, that serves as a shelter or habitation for a wild animal. 3. A dwelling for a group of people, such as students or members of a religious community, who live together as a unit: a sorority house. 4. a. A building that functions as the primary shelter or location of something: a carriage house; the lion house at the zoo. b. A building devoted to a particular activity: a customs house; a house of worship. 5. a. A facility, such as a theater or restaurant, that provides entertainment or food for the public: a movie house; the specialty of the house. b. The seating area in such an establishment: dimmed the lights in the house to signal the start of the show. c. The audience or patrons of such an establishment: a full house. 6. a. A commercial firm: a brokerage house. b. A publishing company: a house that specializes in cookbooks. c. A gambling casino. d. Slang A house of prostitution. 7. A residential college within a university. 8. a. often House A legislative or deliberative assembly. b. The hall or chamber in which such an assembly meets. c. A quorum of such an assembly. 9. often House A family line including ancestors and descendants, especially a royal or noble family: the House of Orange. 10. a. One of the 12 parts into which the heavens are divided in astrology. b. The sign of the zodiac indicating the seat or station of a planet in the heavens. Also called mansion. 11. House music. v. (houz) housed, hous·ing, hous·es v. tr. 1. To provide living quarters for; lodge: The cottage housed ten students. 2. To shelter, keep, or store in a house or other structure: a library housing rare books. 3. To fit (something) into a socket or mortise. 4. Nautical To secure or stow safely. v. intr. 1. To reside; dwell. 2. To take shelter. Idioms: like a house on fire (or afire) Informal In an extremely speedy manner: ran away like a house on fire; tickets that sold like a house afire. on the house At the expense of the establishment; free: food and drinks on the house. put (or set) (one's) house in orderTo organize one's affairs in a sensible, logical way.
[Middle English hous, from Old English hūs.]


n, pl houses (ˈhaʊzɪz) 1. a. a building used as a home; dwellingb. (as modifier): house dog. 2. the people present in a house, esp its usual occupants3. a. a building used for some specific purposeb. (in combination): a schoolhouse. 4. (Historical Terms) (often capital) a family line including ancestors and relatives, esp a noble one: the House of York. 5. (Commerce) a. a commercial company; firm: a publishing house. b. (as modifier): house style; a house journal. 6. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) an official deliberative or legislative body, such as one chamber of a bicameral legislature7. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a quorum in such a body (esp in the phrase make a house)8. (Ecclesiastical Terms) a dwelling for a religious community9. (Astrology) astrology any of the 12 divisions of the zodiac. See also planet310. (Education) a. any of several divisions, esp residential, of a large schoolb. (as modifier): house spirit. 11. (Commerce) a. a hotel, restaurant, bar, inn, club, etc, or the management of such an establishmentb. (as modifier): house rules. c. (in combination): steakhouse. 12. (modifier) (of wine) sold unnamed by a restaurant, at a lower price than wines specified on the wine list: the house red. 13. (Theatre) the audience in a theatre or cinema14. an informal word for brothel15. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a hall in which an official deliberative or legislative body meets16. (Games, other than specified) See full house17. (Curling) curling the 12-foot target circle around the tee18. (Nautical Terms) nautical any structure or shelter on the weather deck of a vessel19. (Theatre) bring the house down theatre to win great applause20. house and home an emphatic form of home21. keep open house to be always ready to provide hospitality22. like a house on fire informal very well, quickly, or intensely23. on the house (usually of drinks) paid for by the management of the hotel, bar, etc24. put one's house in order to settle or organize one's affairs25. safe as houses Brit very secure vb 26. (tr) to provide with or serve as accommodation 27. to give or receive shelter or lodging 28. (tr) to contain or cover, esp in order to protect 29. (Building) (tr) to fit (a piece of wood) into a mortise, joint, etc 30. (Nautical Terms) (tr) nautical a. to secure or stowb. to secure (a topmast)c. to secure and stow (an anchor) [Old English hūs; related to Old High German hūs, Gothic gudhūs temple, Old Norse hūs house] ˈhouseless adj


(haʊs) n1. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) See House of Commons2. (Stock Exchange) informal Brit the Stock Exchange


(n., adj. haʊs; v. haʊz)

n., pl. hous•es (ˈhaʊ zɪz)

v. housed, hous•ing,
adj. n. 1. a building in which people live; residence. 2. a household. 3. (often cap.) a family, including ancestors and descendants: the House of Hapsburg. 4. a building, enclosure, or other construction for any of various purposes (usu. used in combination): a clubhouse; a doghouse. 5. a theater, concert hall, or auditorium. 6. the audience of a theater or the like. 7. a. (often cap.) a legislative or official deliberative body, esp. one branch of a bicameral legislature: the House of Representatives. b. the building in which such a body meets. c. a quorum of such a body. 8. (often cap.) a commercial establishment; business firm: a publishing house. 9. a gambling casino or its management. 10. a residential hall in a college or school; dormitory. 11. the members or residents of any such residential hall. 12. Informal. a brothel; whorehouse. 13. Also called parish. the area enclosed by a circle 12 or 14 ft. (3.7 or 4.2 m) in diameter at each end of a curling rink, having the tee in the center. 14. Naut. any enclosed shelter above the weather deck of a vessel: bridge house. 15. Astrol. one of the 12 divisions of the celestial sphere, numbered counterclockwise from the point of the E horizon. 16. house music. v.t. 17. to put or receive into a house, dwelling, or shelter; lodge or harbor: to house students in a dormitory; to house flood victims in a church. 18. to provide with a place, as to work or study: This floor houses our executive staff. 19. to be a receptacle or repository for; hold; contain: This casing houses the batteries. v.i. 20. to take shelter; dwell. adj. 21. of or noting a house. 22. suitable for or customarily used or kept in a house: house paint; house pets. 23. (of a product) made by or for a specific retailer and often sold under the store's own label. 24. served by a restaurant as its customary brand: the house wine. Idioms: 1. bring down the house, to inspire a live audience to break into prolonged, unrestrained laughter or applause over one's performance. 2. keep house, to maintain a home; manage a household. 3. on the house, as a gift from the management; free. [before 900; Middle English h(o)us, Old English hūs, c. Old Frisian, Old Saxon, Old High German, Old Norse hūs, Gothic -hus (in gudhus temple)] syn: house, home, residence, dwelling are terms applied to a place in which people live. house is generally applied to a structure built for one or two families or social units: a ranch house in the suburbs. home may be used of an apartment or a private house; it retains connotations of domestic comfort and family ties: Their home is full of charm and character. residence is characteristic of formal usage and often implies spaciousness and elegance: the private residence of the prime minister. dwelling is a general and neutral word (a houseboat is a floating dwelling) and therefore commonly used in legal, scientific, and other technical contexts, as in a lease or in the phrases multiple dwelling, single-family dwelling.


- The audience at a theatre.See also related terms for theatre.


 the inmates of a house collectively; a household or family; an assembly of legislative or deliberative persons; the members of a family, including ancestors and descendants. See also assembly.Examples: House of Commons, 1548; of congregation [Oxford], 1831; of convocation, 1705; of David, 1382; of Lancaster, 1548; of Lords, 1635; of Parliament, 1545; of piety, 1599; of religion, 1419; of Representatives; of ill repute, 1726; of Stuart, 1789; of water [a cavity filled with water, Cornish mining term], 1881.


Your house is the building where you live and which you own or rent.

She has moved to a smaller house.

You do not usually say 'I am going to my house' or 'She was in her house'. You say 'I am going home' or 'She was at home'.

Brody arrived home a little before five.I'll finish the work at home.See home


Past participle: housed
Gerund: housing
I house
you house
he/she/it houses
we house
you house
they house
I housed
you housed
he/she/it housed
we housed
you housed
they housed
Present Continuous
I am housing
you are housing
he/she/it is housing
we are housing
you are housing
they are housing
Present Perfect
I have housed
you have housed
he/she/it has housed
we have housed
you have housed
they have housed
Past Continuous
I was housing
you were housing
he/she/it was housing
we were housing
you were housing
they were housing
Past Perfect
I had housed
you had housed
he/she/it had housed
we had housed
you had housed
they had housed
I will house
you will house
he/she/it will house
we will house
you will house
they will house
Future Perfect
I will have housed
you will have housed
he/she/it will have housed
we will have housed
you will have housed
they will have housed
Future Continuous
I will be housing
you will be housing
he/she/it will be housing
we will be housing
you will be housing
they will be housing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been housing
you have been housing
he/she/it has been housing
we have been housing
you have been housing
they have been housing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been housing
you will have been housing
he/she/it will have been housing
we will have been housing
you will have been housing
they will have been housing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been housing
you had been housing
he/she/it had been housing
we had been housing
you had been housing
they had been housing
I would house
you would house
he/she/it would house
we would house
you would house
they would house
Past Conditional
I would have housed
you would have housed
he/she/it would have housed
we would have housed
you would have housed
they would have housed


A broad category of music that emerged from the dance club culture of the early 1980s. House music is predominantly instrumental, involves the use of music and sounds sampled from a wide range of sources, and has a simple but very dominant beat.
Noun1.house - a dwelling that serves as living quarters for one or more familieshouse - a dwelling that serves as living quarters for one or more families; "he has a house on Cape Cod"; "she felt she had to get out of the house"beach house - a house built on or near a beachboarding house, boardinghouse - a private house that provides accommodations and meals for paying guestsbuilding, edifice - a structure that has a roof and walls and stands more or less permanently in one place; "there was a three-story building on the corner"; "it was an imposing edifice"bungalow, cottage - a small house with a single storycabin - a small house built of wood; usually in a wooded areachalet - a Swiss house with a sloping roof and wide eaves or a house built in this stylefrat house, fraternity house, chapterhouse - a house used as a residence by a chapter of a fraternitycountry house - a house (usually large and impressive) on an estate in the countrydetached house, single dwelling - a house that stands alonedollhouse, doll's house - a house so small that it is likened to a child's playthingduplex, duplex house, semidetached house - a house with two units sharing a common walldwelling, dwelling house, habitation, home, abode, domicile - housing that someone is living in; "he built a modest dwelling near the pond"; "they raise money to provide homes for the homeless"farmhouse - house for a farmer and familygatehouse - a house built at a gateway; usually the gatekeeper's residenceguesthouse - a house separate from the main house; for housing guestshacienda - the main house on a ranch or large estatelibrary - a room where books are kept; "they had brandy in the library"hunting lodge, lodge - a small (rustic) house used as a temporary shelterlodging house, rooming house - a house where rooms are rentedattic, garret, loft - floor consisting of open space at the top of a house just below roof; often used for storagemaisonette, maisonnette - a small housemanse, mansion house, mansion, residence, hall - a large and imposing houseporch - a structure attached to the exterior of a building often forming a covered entranceranch house - a one story house with a low pitched roofresidence - the official house or establishment of an important person (as a sovereign or president); "he refused to live in the governor's residence"row house, town house - a house that is one of a row of identical houses situated side by side and sharing common wallssafe house - a house used as a hiding place or refuge by members of certain organizationssaltbox - a type of house built in New England; has two stories in front and one behindadobe house, sod house, soddy - a house built of sod or adobe laid in horizontal coursessolar house - a house designed to use solar radiation for heating; usually has large areas of glass in front of heat-absorbing materialsstudy - a room used for reading and writing and studying; "he knocked lightly on the closed door of the study"tract house - one of many houses of similar design constructed together on a tract of landvilla - detached or semidetached suburban house
2.house - the members of a business organization that owns or operates one or more establishmentshouse - the members of a business organization that owns or operates one or more establishments; "he worked for a brokerage house"business firm, firmcorp, corporation - a business firm whose articles of incorporation have been approved in some statebusiness, business concern, business organisation, business organization, concern - a commercial or industrial enterprise and the people who constitute it; "he bought his brother's business"; "a small mom-and-pop business"; "a racially integrated business concern"accounting firm - a firm of accountants who provide accounting and auditing services for a feeconsulting company, consulting firm - a firm of experts providing professional advice to an organization for a feepublisher, publishing company, publishing firm, publishing house - a firm in the publishing businessdealer - a firm engaged in tradinglaw firm - a firm of lawyersauction house - a firm that conducts auctions
3.house - the members of a religious community living togethercommunity - a group of people living in a particular local area; "the team is drawn from all parts of the community"
4.house - the audience gathered together in a theatre or cinema; "the house applauded"; "he counted the house"audience - a gathering of spectators or listeners at a (usually public) performance; "the audience applauded"; "someone in the audience began to cough"claque - a group of followers hired to applaud at a performance
5.house - an official assembly having legislative powers; "a bicameral legislature has two houses"House of Representatives, U.S. House, U.S. House of Representatives, United States House of Representatives, US House, US House of Representatives - the lower legislative house of the United States CongressHouse of Burgesses - the lower house of legislature in colonial VirginiaBritish House of Commons, House of Commons - the lower house of the British parliamentBritish House of Lords, House of Lords - the upper house of the British parliamentlaw-makers, legislative assembly, legislative body, legislature, general assembly - persons who make or amend or repeal lawsDail, Dail Eireann - the lower house of the parliament of the Irish RepublicSeanad, Seanad Eireann - the upper house of the parliament of the Irish Republic
6.house - aristocratic family line; "the House of York"kinfolk, kinsfolk, phratry, family line, sept, folk, family - people descended from a common ancestor; "his family has lived in Massachusetts since the Mayflower"royal family, royal house, royal line, royalty - royal persons collectively; "the wedding was attended by royalty"Medici - aristocratic Italian family of powerful merchants and bankers who ruled Florence in the 15th century
7.house - play in which children take the roles of father or mother or children and pretend to interact like adults; "the children were playing house"child's play, play - activity by children that is guided more by imagination than by fixed rules; "Freud believed in the utility of play to a small child"
8.house - (astrology) one of 12 equal areas into which the zodiac is dividedhouse - (astrology) one of 12 equal areas into which the zodiac is dividedmansion, planetary house, sign of the zodiac, star sign, signastrology, star divination - a pseudoscience claiming divination by the positions of the planets and sun and moonregion, part - the extended spatial location of something; "the farming regions of France"; "religions in all parts of the world"; "regions of outer space"zodiac - a belt-shaped region in the heavens on either side to the ecliptic; divided into 12 constellations or signs for astrological purposes
9.house - the management of a gambling house or casino; "the house gets a percentage of every bet"management - those in charge of running a business
10.house - a social unit living togetherhouse - a social unit living together; "he moved his family to Virginia"; "It was a good Christian household"; "I waited until the whole house was asleep"; "the teacher asked how many people made up his home"family, household, menage, homebroken home - a family in which the parents have separated or divorcedconjugal family, nuclear family - a family consisting of parents and their children and grandparents of a marital partnerextended family - a family consisting of the nuclear family and their blood relativesfoster family - the family of a fosterlingfoster home - a household in which an orphaned or delinquent child is placed (usually by a social-service agency)menage a trois - household for three; an arrangement where a married couple and a lover of one of them live together while sharing sexual relationssocial unit, unit - an organization regarded as part of a larger social group; "the coach said the offensive unit did a good job"; "after the battle the soldier had trouble rejoining his unit"
11.house - a building where theatrical performances or motion-picture shows can be presentedhouse - a building where theatrical performances or motion-picture shows can be presented; "the house was full"theater, theatrearena theater, theater in the round - a theater arranged with seats around at least three sides of the stageticket booth, ticket office, box office - the office where tickets of admission are soldbuilding, edifice - a structure that has a roof and walls and stands more or less permanently in one place; "there was a three-story building on the corner"; "it was an imposing edifice"movie house, movie theater, movie theatre, picture palace, cinema - a theater where films are showndress circle, circle - a curved section or tier of seats in a hall or theater or opera house; usually the first tier above the orchestra; "they had excellent seats in the dress circle"dinner theater, dinner theatre - a theater at which dinner is included in the price of admissiondressing room - a room in which you can change clothesgreenroom - a backstage room in a theater where performers rest or have visitorshome theater, home theatre - television and video equipment designed to reproduce in the home the experience of being in a movie theaterlittle theater, little theatre - a small theater for experimental drama or collegiate or community groupsmusic hall, vaudeville theater, vaudeville theatre - a theater in which vaudeville is stagedopera house, opera - a building where musical dramas are performedorchestra - seating on the main floor in a theaterorchestra pit, pit - lowered area in front of a stage where an orchestra accompanies the performersparquet - seating on the main floor between the orchestra and the parquet circleparquet circle, parterre - seating at the rear of the main floor (beneath the balconies)stage - a large platform on which people can stand and can be seen by an audience; "he clambered up onto the stage and got the actors to help him into the box"standing room - room for passengers or spectators to stand; "there was standing room for thousands more people"theater stage, theatre stage - a stage in a theater on which actors can performtiered seat - seating that is arranged in sloping tiers so that spectators in the back can see over the heads of those in frontdramatic art, dramaturgy, theater, theatre, dramatics - the art of writing and producing plays
12.house - a building in which something is sheltered or located; "they had a large carriage house"bagnio, bathhouse - a building containing public bathsbuilding, edifice - a structure that has a roof and walls and stands more or less permanently in one place; "there was a three-story building on the corner"; "it was an imposing edifice"courthouse - a building that houses judicial courtsfield house, sports arena - a building for indoor sportsicehouse - a house for storing icemeat house - a small house (on a farm) where meat is storedoast house - a building containing an oast (a kiln for drying hops); usually has a conical or pyramidal roofpump house, pumping station - a house where pumps (e.g. to irrigate) are installed and operatedmeat house, smokehouse - a small house where smoke is used to cure meat or fishstash house - a house where weapons and supplies are hidden; "attacks on stash houses is the most frequently used method of counterterrorism"
Verb1.house - contain or cover; "This box houses the gears"accommodate, admit, hold - have room for; hold without crowding; "This hotel can accommodate 250 guests"; "The theater admits 300 people"; "The auditorium can't hold more than 500 people"
2.house - provide housing for; "The immigrants were housed in a new development outside the town"domiciliate, put uprehouse - put up in a new or different housinghome - provide with, or send to, a homelodge, accommodate - provide housing for; "We are lodging three foreign students this semester"chamber - place in a chambershelter - provide shelter for; "After the earthquake, the government could not provide shelter for the thousands of homeless people"take in - provide with shelter


noun1. home, residence, dwelling, building, pad (slang), homestead, edifice, abode, habitation, domicile her parents' house in Warwickshire2. household, family, ménage If he set his alarm clock, it would wake the whole house.3. firm, company, business, concern, organization, partnership, establishment, outfit (informal) the world's top fashion houses4. assembly, parliament, Commons, legislative body the joint sessions of the two parliamentary houses5. restaurant, inn, hotel, pub (Brit. informal), tavern, public house, hostelry The house offers a couple of freshly prepared a la carte dishes.6. dynasty, line, race, tribe, clan, ancestry, lineage, family tree, kindred the Saudi Royal House7. audience, crowd, gathering, assembly They played in front of a packed house.verb1. accommodate, board, quarter, take in, put up, lodge, harbour, billet, domicile Regrettably we have to house families in these inadequate flats.2. contain, keep, hold, cover, store, protect, shelter The building houses a collection of motorcycles and cars.3. take, accommodate, sleep, provide shelter for, give a bed to The building will house twelve boys and eight girls.on the house free, for free (informal), for nothing, free of charge, gratis, without expense He brought them glasses of champagne on the house.Quotations
"A house is a machine for living in" [Le Corbusier Vers une architecture]


noun1. A building or shelter where one lives:abode, domicile, dwelling, habitation, home, lodging (often used in plural), place, residence.Chiefly British: dig (used in plural).2. A group of usually related people living together as a unit:family, household, ménage.3. A commercial organization:business, company, concern, corporation, enterprise, establishment, firm.Informal: outfit.4. A group of people sharing common ancestry:clan, family, kindred, lineage, stock, tribe.Idioms: flesh and blood, kith and kin.verb1. To provide with often temporary lodging:accommodate, bed (down), berth, bestow, billet, board, bunk, domicile, harbor, lodge, put up, quarter, room.2. To have as one's domicile, usually for an extended period:abide, domicile, dwell, live, reside.3. To give refuge to:harbor, haven, shelter.


(haus) plural houses (ˈhauziz) noun1. a building in which people, especially a single family, live. Houses have been built on the outskirts of the town for the workers in the new industrial estate. 房子 房子2. a place or building used for a particular purpose. a hen-house; a public house. 用於特定目的的處所或建築物 用作某种目的的建筑物3. a theatre, or the audience in a theatre. There was a full house for the first night of the play. 劇場,觀眾 剧场,观众 4. a family, usually important or noble, including its ancestors and descendants. the house of David. 家族 家族 (hauz) verb1. to provide with a house, accommodation or shelter. All these people will have to be housed; The animals are housed in the barn. 提供住處或住宿 提供住房2. to store or keep somewhere. The electric generator is housed in the garage. 收藏或置放於某處 收藏ˈhousing (-ziŋ) noun1. houses. These flats will provide housing for the immigrants. 住處 住房2. the hard cover round a machine etc. 機器外殼 机壳ˈhousing benefit noun a payment given by a government to people who are entitled to it according to certain criteria (eg poverty) when they buy or rent a house, an apartment etc. 房貸或房租補助金 住房救济金,租房补贴 house agent (American ˈreal-estate agent) a person who arranges the sale or letting of houses. 房地產仲介商 房地产经纪人house arrest a type of arrest in which a person is not allowed to leave his own house. He was kept under house arrest. 居家監(軟)禁 不淮离家的软禁,(本宅)软禁 ˈhouseboat noun a type of boat, usually with a flat bottom, which is built to be lived in. 船屋 船屋,水上住家 ˈhousebreaker noun a person who breaks into a house in order to steal. 闖空門的歹徒 侵入他人住宅者ˈhousebreaking noun 闖空門 入室偷盗,侵入家宅 ˈhouse-fly noun the common fly, found throughout the world. 家蠅 家蝇ˈhousehold noun the people who live together in a house, including their servants. How many people are there in this household? 一家子的人,包括僕人 同住在一家的人ˈhouseholder noun the person who owns a house or pays the rent for it. 住戶 占有房子的人,住户 household word something which is well-known to everyone. His name is a household word throughout the country. 家喻戶曉的事物 家喻户晓的词语ˈhousekeeper noun a person, usually a woman, who is paid to look after the management of a house. 管理家務的主婦,女管家 管理家务的主妇,女管家 ˈhousekeeping noun the management of a house. 家管,管家 家务管理ˈhouseman noun a recently qualified doctor who is living in a hospital while working there to complete his training. 住院實習醫生 住院实习医生ˈhousetrain verb to train (a dog, cat etc) to be clean inside the house. 訓練(寵物等的)衛生習慣 训练(狗等)保持家中清洁 ˈhouse-warming noun a party given after moving into a new house. 喬遷宴會 乔迁喜宴,庆祝迁居的宴会 adjectivea house-warming party. 喬遷慶祝的 庆祝迁居的ˈhousewife nounplural ˈhousewives a woman who looks after her house, her husband and her family, and who usually does not have a job outside the home. 家庭主婦 家庭主妇ˈhousework noun the work of keeping a house clean and tidy. My mother has a woman to help her with the housework. 家務 家务劳动like a house on fire1. very well. The two children got on with each other like a house on fire. 很融洽 很好2. very quickly. I'm getting through this job like a house on fire. 迅速地 迅速地


房屋zhCN, 独立别墅zhCN
  • The house is quite big → 这房子很大哦
  • Do we have to clean the house before we leave? → 我们离开之前必须做好清洁吗?
  • What's on tonight at the opera house? (US)
    What's on tonight at the opera? (UK) → 歌剧院今晚上演什么剧目?
  • A bottle of the house wine → 一瓶你们店的招牌酒
  • A carafe of the house wine → 一卡拉夫你们店的招牌酒
  • What is the house specialty? (US)
    What is the house speciality? (UK) → 你们的招牌菜是什么?


  • (as) safe as houses
  • a halfway house
  • a house divided
  • a house divided against itself cannot stand
  • a house is not a home
  • a house of cards
  • a plague on both your houses
  • angel in the house
  • basket house
  • be as safe as houses
  • be in the poorhouse
  • be out of house and home
  • big as a house
  • boarding house reach
  • boardinghouse reach
  • bottom the house
  • bow down in the house of Rimmon
  • brick house
  • bring down the house
  • bring down the house, to
  • bring the house down
  • Burn not your house to fright the mouse away
  • call house
  • clean house
  • close the sale
  • crack house
  • craphouse
  • curly dirt
  • Don't let the fox guard the henhouse.
  • dream house
  • eat (one) out of house and home
  • eat out of house and home
  • eat somebody out of house and home
  • eat someone out of house and home
  • eat someone out of house and home, to
  • end up in the poorhouse
  • flophouse
  • fools build houses and wise men live in them
  • fox guarding the henhouse
  • fox in the henhouse
  • front of house
  • get (one's) (own) house in order
  • get along
  • get on like a house afire
  • get on like a house on fire
  • go (all) around the houses
  • go all round the houses
  • go round the houses
  • halfway house
  • hash-house
  • haunted house
  • headache department
  • headache house
  • house and home
  • house cooling party
  • house moss
  • house of cards
  • house of correction
  • house of ill repute
  • house of many doors
  • house poor
  • house room
  • housewarming (party)
  • in the house
  • in the poorhouse
  • juice house
  • keep house
  • keep open house
  • like a house
  • like a house afire
  • like a house afire/on fire
  • like a house on fire
  • live in a glass house
  • Men make houses, women make homes
  • move house
  • My house is your house
  • not a dry eye in the house
  • not give (someone or something) houseroom
  • not give house room
  • not give someone house room
  • nuthouse
  • on the house
  • open house
  • open house, keep
  • out of house and home
  • People (who live) in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
  • people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones
  • people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones
  • powerhouse
  • put (one's) (own) house in order
  • put house in order
  • put one's house in order
  • put own house in order
  • put your house in order
  • put/set your house in order
  • rock the house
  • roughhouse
  • roundhouse kick
  • roundhouse punch
  • safe as houses
  • set (one's) (own) house in order
  • set house in order
  • set up house
  • set up house/home
  • shotgun house
  • the angel in the house
  • the big house
  • the lady of the house
  • the White House
  • there wasn't a dry eye in the house
  • tiny house
  • wear the pants in the house
  • welcome to our house



1. Genealogy a family line including ancestors and relatives, esp a noble one 2. a commercial company; firm 3. Politics an official deliberative or legislative body, such as one chamber of a bicameral legislature 4. a quorum in such a body (esp in the phrase make a house) 5. a dwelling for a religious community 6. Astrology any of the 12 divisions of the zodiac 7. any of several divisions, esp residential, of a large school 8. a hotel, restaurant, bar, inn, club, etc., or the management of such an establishment 9. the audience in a theatre or cinema 10. a hall in which an official deliberative or legislative body meets 11. See full house12. Curling the 12-foot target circle around the tee 13. Nautical any structure or shelter on the weather deck of a vessel


A structure serving as a dwelling for one or several families. A place of residence, an abode. The design of the house runs the gamut of nearly every design style that has ever existed. Although there are many reasons to preserve a particular house or group of houses, other external development factors usually dictate the ultimate fate of those in danger.

What does it mean when you dream about a house?

Because a house is a personal dwelling place, a house under construction shows inner work is being performed on the psyche. The condition of a house—whether it is in disrepair or it is fixed up and newly painted—is also symbolic.


1. A building or dwelling for human residence. 2. A theater, as a legitimate house. 3. (Colloq.) The auditorium in a theater; the audience space.


(dreams)It is common to dream about houses. They usually symbolize our emotional and psychological selves. All of your experiences, stages of development, and parts of your conscious and unconscious life may be represented by that house. The house may be representing issues concerning a particular dilemma in your life, or it may be more general and comprehensive. Either way, if you pay attention to the details in this dream, you may learn a thing or two about yourself.



Vox populi A residence, domicile, place where an activity occurs. See Almshouse, Clearinghouse, Halfway house, Phoenix House, Project house.

Patient discussion about house

Q. How can I "allergy proof" the house? My nephew will be coming to stay with me for a couple of months and he is highly allergic. How can I allergy proof the house so he'll be protected?A. Excellent tips :)
In the meantime everything is fine.

Q. How can i prevent my mother reducing the overweight? she is an 52 years of old. She is an house wife A. Do you mean how to help her lose her overweight?
The best way is diet and exercise. In order for her not to feel like she is the only one on a diet, its best if all the family starts eating a healthy diet. This will help both her and all of you. She should also exercise. You can encourage her by taking walks with her around the neighborhood, or walking to the grocery store instead of driving there, taking the steps instead of an elevator and more.
Here is a website with a lot of information on how to eat healthy:

Q. How can i prevent my mother reducing the overweight? she is an 52 years of old. She is an house wife she had diabetic & BPA. I think that the key to weight loss is not so much as dieting but taking control over what and how much you eat. I eat at least six times a day, thats four meals and two snacks. The protions that i eat however are not that big. I mostly just eat until I'm full or just satisfied. I really dont excercise either except for walking and I have lost 55 pounds over about a 3 or 4 month period. I LOVE food and the few diets that i did try didnt work, either because I was still hungry or I just didnt stick to them long enough to see results. I don't know if this works for everyone, but it worked for me. I think this worked because eating six meals a day kept my metabolism running almost constantly, so i ended up burning more calories than i took in. This may not take the weight off fast, but it can help you lose weight and keep it off. Hope this helps.

More discussions about house


Related to House: house music, house of cards, House plans

HOUSE, estates. A place for the habitation and dwelling of man. This word has several significations, as it is applied to different things. In a grant or demise of a house, the curtilage and garden will pass, even without the words "with the appurtenances," being added. Cro. Eliz. 89; S. C.; 3 Leon. 214; 1 Plowd. 171; 2 Saund. 401 note 2; 4 Penn. St. R; 93.
2. In a grant or demise of a house with the appurtenances, no more, will pass, although other lands have been occupied with the house. 1 P. Wms. 603; Cro. Jac. 526; 2 Co. 32; Co. Litt. 5 d.; Id. 36 a. b.; 2 Saund. 401, note 2.
3. If a house, originally entire, be divided into several apartments, with an outer door to each apartment and no communication with each other subsists, in such case the several apartments are considered as distinct houses. 6 Mod. 214; Woodf. Land. & Ten. 178.
4. In cases of burglary, the mansion or dwelling-house in which the burglary might be committed, at common law includes the outhouses, though not under the same roof or adjoining to the dwelling-house provided they were within the curtilage, or common fence, as the dwelling or mansion house. 3 Inst. 64; 1 Hale, 558; 4 Bl. Com. 225; 2 East, P. C. 493; 1 Hayw. N. C. Rep. 102, 142; 2 Russ. on Cr. 14.
5. The term house, in case of arson, includes not only the dwelling but all the outhouses, as in the case of burglary. It is a maxim in law that every man's house is his castle, and there he is entitled to perfect security; this asylum cannot therefore be legally invaded, unless by an officer duly authorized by legal process; and this process must be of a criminal nature to authorize the breaking of an outer door; and even with it, this cannot be done, until after demand of admittance and refusal. 5 Co. 93; 4 Leon. 41; T. Jones, 234. The house may be also broken for the purpose of executing a writ of habere facias. 5 Co. 93; Bac. Ab. Sheriff, N 3.
6. The house protects the owner from the service of all civil process in the first instance, but not if he is once lawfully arrested and he takes refuge in his own house; in that case, the officer may pursue him and break open any door for the purpose. Foster, 320; 1 Rolle, R. 138; Cro. Jac. 555; Bac. Ab. ubi sup. In the civil law the rule was nemo de domo sua extrahi debet. Dig. 50, 17, 103. Vide, generally, 14 Vin. Ab. 315; Yelv. 29 a, n. 1; 4 Rawle, R. 342; Arch. Cr. Pl. 251; and Burglary.
7. House is used figuratively to signify a collection of persons, as the house of representatives; or an institution, as the house of refuge; or a commercial firm, as the house of A B & Co. of New Orleans; or a family, as, the house of Lancaster, the house of York.



Firms that conduct business as broker-dealers in securities or in the investment banking field are characterized as houses.


A broker-dealer or underwriting person or firm. Houses are usually large institutions, but may also be an individual. They provide investment advising services, place and execute orders on behalf of clients, and place new issues with investors.


An organization that acts as a broker-dealer or an underwriter.


In real estate jargon, generally indicates a detached dwelling on a parcel of its own land.


HOUSEHigh Objective Uniform State Evaluation (New Jersey)
HOUSEHelping Our Undergraduates Succeed in Education (West Virginia)
HOUSEHelping Oilheat Users Save Energy
HOUSEHomeownership Opportunities for Uniformed Services and Educators



Related to house: house music, house of cards, House plans
  • all
  • noun
  • verb
  • phrase

Synonyms for house

noun home


  • home
  • residence
  • dwelling
  • building
  • pad
  • homestead
  • edifice
  • abode
  • habitation
  • domicile

noun household


  • household
  • family
  • ménage

noun firm


  • firm
  • company
  • business
  • concern
  • organization
  • partnership
  • establishment
  • outfit

noun assembly


  • assembly
  • parliament
  • Commons
  • legislative body

noun restaurant


  • restaurant
  • inn
  • hotel
  • pub
  • tavern
  • public house
  • hostelry

noun dynasty


  • dynasty
  • line
  • race
  • tribe
  • clan
  • ancestry
  • lineage
  • family tree
  • kindred

noun audience


  • audience
  • crowd
  • gathering
  • assembly

verb accommodate


  • accommodate
  • board
  • quarter
  • take in
  • put up
  • lodge
  • harbour
  • billet
  • domicile

verb contain


  • contain
  • keep
  • hold
  • cover
  • store
  • protect
  • shelter

verb take


  • take
  • accommodate
  • sleep
  • provide shelter for
  • give a bed to

phrase on the house


  • free
  • for free
  • for nothing
  • free of charge
  • gratis
  • without expense

Synonyms for house

noun a building or shelter where one lives


  • abode
  • domicile
  • dwelling
  • habitation
  • home
  • lodging
  • place
  • residence
  • dig

noun a group of usually related people living together as a unit


  • family
  • household
  • ménage

noun a commercial organization


  • business
  • company
  • concern
  • corporation
  • enterprise
  • establishment
  • firm
  • outfit

noun a group of people sharing common ancestry


  • clan
  • family
  • kindred
  • lineage
  • stock
  • tribe

verb to provide with often temporary lodging


  • accommodate
  • bed
  • berth
  • bestow
  • billet
  • board
  • bunk
  • domicile
  • harbor
  • lodge
  • put up
  • quarter
  • room

verb to have as one's domicile, usually for an extended period


  • abide
  • domicile
  • dwell
  • live
  • reside

verb to give refuge to


  • harbor
  • haven
  • shelter

Synonyms for house

noun a dwelling that serves as living quarters for one or more families

Related Words

  • beach house
  • boarding house
  • boardinghouse
  • building
  • edifice
  • bungalow
  • cottage
  • cabin
  • chalet
  • frat house
  • fraternity house
  • chapterhouse
  • country house
  • detached house
  • single dwelling
  • dollhouse
  • doll's house
  • duplex
  • duplex house
  • semidetached house
  • dwelling
  • dwelling house
  • habitation
  • home
  • abode
  • domicile
  • farmhouse
  • gatehouse
  • guesthouse
  • hacienda
  • library
  • hunting lodge
  • lodge
  • lodging house
  • rooming house
  • attic
  • garret
  • loft
  • maisonette
  • maisonnette
  • manse
  • mansion house
  • mansion
  • residence
  • hall
  • porch
  • ranch house
  • row house
  • town house
  • safe house
  • saltbox
  • adobe house
  • sod house
  • soddy
  • solar house
  • study
  • tract house
  • villa

noun the members of a business organization that owns or operates one or more establishments


  • business firm
  • firm

Related Words

  • corp
  • corporation
  • business
  • business concern
  • business organisation
  • business organization
  • concern
  • accounting firm
  • consulting company
  • consulting firm
  • publisher
  • publishing company
  • publishing firm
  • publishing house
  • dealer
  • law firm
  • auction house

noun the members of a religious community living together

Related Words

  • community

noun the audience gathered together in a theatre or cinema

Related Words

  • audience
  • claque

noun an official assembly having legislative powers

Related Words

  • House of Representatives
  • U.S. House
  • U.S. House of Representatives
  • United States House of Representatives
  • US House
  • US House of Representatives
  • House of Burgesses
  • British House of Commons
  • House of Commons
  • British House of Lords
  • House of Lords
  • law-makers
  • legislative assembly
  • legislative body
  • legislature
  • general assembly
  • Dail
  • Dail Eireann
  • Seanad
  • Seanad Eireann

noun aristocratic family line

Related Words

  • kinfolk
  • kinsfolk
  • phratry
  • family line
  • sept
  • folk
  • family
  • royal family
  • royal house
  • royal line
  • royalty
  • Medici

noun play in which children take the roles of father or mother or children and pretend to interact like adults

Related Words

  • child's play
  • play

noun (astrology) one of 12 equal areas into which the zodiac is divided


  • mansion
  • planetary house
  • sign of the zodiac
  • star sign
  • sign

Related Words

  • astrology
  • star divination
  • region
  • part
  • zodiac

noun the management of a gambling house or casino

Related Words

  • management

noun a social unit living together


  • family
  • household
  • menage
  • home

Related Words

  • broken home
  • conjugal family
  • nuclear family
  • extended family
  • foster family
  • foster home
  • menage a trois
  • social unit
  • unit

noun a building where theatrical performances or motion-picture shows can be presented


  • theater
  • theatre

Related Words

  • arena theater
  • theater in the round
  • ticket booth
  • ticket office
  • box office
  • building
  • edifice
  • movie house
  • movie theater
  • movie theatre
  • picture palace
  • cinema
  • dress circle
  • circle
  • dinner theater
  • dinner theatre
  • dressing room
  • greenroom
  • home theater
  • home theatre
  • little theater
  • little theatre
  • music hall
  • vaudeville theater
  • vaudeville theatre
  • opera house
  • opera
  • orchestra
  • orchestra pit
  • pit
  • parquet
  • parquet circle
  • parterre
  • stage
  • standing room
  • theater stage
  • theatre stage
  • tiered seat
  • dramatic art
  • dramaturgy
  • theater
  • theatre
  • dramatics

noun a building in which something is sheltered or located

Related Words

  • bagnio
  • bathhouse
  • building
  • edifice
  • courthouse
  • field house
  • sports arena
  • icehouse
  • meat house
  • oast house
  • pump house
  • pumping station
  • smokehouse
  • stash house

verb contain or cover

Related Words

  • accommodate
  • admit
  • hold

verb provide housing for


  • domiciliate
  • put up

Related Words

  • rehouse
  • home
  • lodge
  • accommodate
  • chamber
  • shelter
  • take in




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