

单词 historic



H0218600 (hĭ-stôr′ĭk, -stŏr′-)adj.1. Having importance in or influence on history.2. Historical.Usage Note: Historic and historical have similar, though usually distinct, meanings. Historic refers to that which is associated with significant events in history: the historic first voyage to the moon. Thus, a historic house is likely to be of interest not just because it is relatively old, but because an important person lived in it or was otherwise associated with it. In contrast, historical refers more generally to that which happened in the past, regardless of significance: a minor historical character in the novel, the historical architecture in the center of town. These distinctions are not always observed, however, and a historic tour of a city might include the same sights as a historical tour. Therefore, it is important to make sure that the context makes the intended meaning clear.


(hɪˈstɒrɪk) adj1. famous or likely to become famous in history; significant2. (Historical Terms) a less common word for historical1, historical2, historical3, historical4, historical53. (Linguistics) linguistics Also: secondary (of Latin, Greek, or Sanskrit verb tenses) referring to past timeUsage: A distinction is usually made between historic (important, significant) and historical (pertaining to history): a historic decision; a historical perspective


(hɪˈstɔr ɪk, -ˈstɒr-)

adj. 1. well-known or important in history: a historic building. 2. historical. [1605–15; < Latin < Greek]


– historical">historical1. 'historic'

You use historic to say that something was important in history, or that it will be regarded as important in the future.

...their historic struggle for emancipation....a historic decision.
2. 'historical'

You use historical to say that someone or something really existed or happened in the past, rather than being invented by a writer.

Which historical figure would be guest of honour at your house-warming party?

Historical novels, plays, and films deal with real or imaginary events in the past.

...Richard of Bordeaux, a historical play by Gordon Daviot.

Historical occurs in the names of some organizations concerned with the subject of history.

...the German Historical Institute.

However, if you want to say that something relates to the teaching of history, you use history in front of another noun. You do not use 'historic' or 'historical'.

...a history book....a history lesson.
Adj.1.historic - belonging to the past; of what is important or famous in the past; "historic victories"; "historical (or historic) times"; "a historical character"historicalpast - earlier than the present time; no longer current; "time past"; "his youth is past"; "this past Thursday"; "the past year"
2.historic - important in history; "the historic first voyage to outer space"important, of import - of great significance or value; "important people"; "the important questions of the day"


adjective significant, notable, momentous, famous, celebrated, extraordinary, outstanding, remarkable, ground-breaking, consequential, red-letter, epoch-making the historic changes in Eastern Europe
ordinary, unknown, unimportant, uncelebratedUsage: Although historic and historical are similarly spelt they are very different in meaning and should not be used interchangeably. A distinction is usually made between historic, which means `important' or `significant', and historical, which means `pertaining to history': a historic decision; a historical perspective.


adjectiveHaving great significance:big, consequential, considerable, important, large, material, meaningful, monumental, significant, substantial.


(ˈhistəri) plural ˈhistories noun1. the study of events etc that happened in the past. She is studying British history; (also adjective) a history lesson/book. 歷史學 历史学2. a description usually in writing of past events, ways of life etc. I'm writing a history of Scotland. 歷史 历史(过去事情的记载) 3. (the description of) the usually interesting events etc associated with (something). This desk/word has a very interesting history. 來歷 来历hiˈstorian (-ˈstoː-) noun a person who studies (and writes about) history. 歷史學家 历史学家hiˈstoric (-ˈsto-) adjective famous or important in history. a historic battle. 歷史上有名(重要)的 历史上有名的hiˈstorical (-ˈsto-) adjective1. of or about history; of or about people or events from history. historical research; historical novels. (有關)歷史的 历史的2. that actually happened or existed, not legendary or mythical. Was Shakespeare's character Macbeth a historical person? 歷史上的 历史上的hiˈstorically (-ˈsto-) adverb 歷史上 在历史上make history to do something very important, especially to be the first to do something. The Wright brothers made history when they were the first to fly an aeroplane. 締造歷史 创造历史,做出值得载入史册的重要事情



Having importance in, or influence on history; famous, renowned.


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  • adj

Synonyms for historic

adj significant


  • significant
  • notable
  • momentous
  • famous
  • celebrated
  • extraordinary
  • outstanding
  • remarkable
  • ground-breaking
  • consequential
  • red-letter
  • epoch-making


  • ordinary
  • unknown
  • unimportant
  • uncelebrated

Synonyms for historic

adj having great significance


  • big
  • consequential
  • considerable
  • important
  • large
  • material
  • meaningful
  • monumental
  • significant
  • substantial

Synonyms for historic

adj belonging to the past


  • historical

Related Words

  • past

adj important in history

Related Words

  • important
  • of import




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