histocompatibility testing

his·to·com·pat·i·bil·i·ty test·ing

a testing system for HLAs, of major importance in transplantation.

histocompatibility testing

Immunology A method of matching self antigens–HLA in transplant donor tissues with those of the recipient; the closer the match, the better the chance that the transplant will “take”. See HLA typing.

his·to·com·pat·i·bil·i·ty test·ing

(his'tō-kŏm-pat'i-bil'i-tē test'ing) A testing system for human leukocyte antigens of major importance in transplantation.

his·to·com·pat·i·bil·i·ty test·ing

(his'tō-kŏm-pat'i-bil'i-tē test'ing) A testing system for human leukocyte antigens, of major importance in transplantation.