have an eye to/for the main chance

have an eye on/for/to the main chance

To be continuously seeking opportunities to advance oneself or make money. The term often refers to someone who is ambitious without consideration of others. Primarily heard in UK, Australia. You just have an eye on the main chance—you don't care if I succeed or fail.See also: chance, eye, have, main, on

have (or with) an eye for (or on or to) the main chance

look or be looking for an opportunity to take advantage of a situation for personal gain, especially when this is financial. This expression is taken from the use of main chance in the gambling game of hazard, where it refers to a number (5, 6, 7, or 8) called by a player before throwing the dice.See also: chance, eye, have, main

have an eye to/for the main ˈchance

(British English, usually disapproving) be good at using opportunities for your own benefit: She’s certainly got an eye for the main chance. Her business has become highly successful.See also: chance, eye, have, main