hyaloideoretinal degeneration

hy·a·loi·de·o·ret·i·nal de·gen·er·a·tion

[MIM*143200] progressive liquefaction and destruction of the vitreous humor with grayish-white preretinal membranes, myopia, cataract, retinal detachment, and hyper- and hypopigmentation; autosomal dominant inheritance. Synonym(s): Wagner disease, Wagner syndrome


Hans, Swiss ophthalmologist, 1905–. Wagner disease - progressive liquefaction and destruction of the vitreous humor with grayish-white preretinal membranes, myopia, cataract, retinal detachment, and hyperpigmentation and hypopigmentation. Synonym(s): hyaloideoretinal degeneration; Wagner syndromeWagner syndrome - Synonym(s): Wagner disease