

 [hi″fo-mi-ko´sis] any infection caused by an imperfect fungus of the form-class Hyphomycetes; the group has been divided into hyalohyphomycosis and phaeohyphomycosis based on the color of the mycelium and wall of the fungus.


(hī'ă-lō-hī'fō-mī-kō'sis), A general term for infection in tissue caused by a fungus with hyaline (colorless) mycelium. If the mold can be identified, disease should be given a specific name, such as aspergillosis or fusariosis. [hyalo- + G. hyphē, web, + mykēs, fungus, + -osis, condition]


(hī'ă-lō-hī'fō-mī-kō'sis) An infection caused by a fungus with hyaline (colorless) mycelia in tissue, usually with a decrease in body resistance due to surgery, indwelling catheters, steroid therapy, or immunosuppressive drugs or cytotoxins. [hyalo- + G. hyphē, web, + mykēs, fungus, + -osis, condition]