Grebner, Georgii Eduardovich
Grebner, Georgii Eduardovich
Born Mar. 31 (Apr. 12), 1892, in St. Petersburg; died June 24, 1954. Soviet movie scriptwriter.
A journalist, Grebner started working in movies in 1922. The first movies made from his scripts included Four and Five (1924), Little Bricks (1925), and The Alien (1927). He collaborated with A. V. Lunacharskii on the scripts for the movies Bears’ Wedding (1926, based on the play by Lunacharskii) and The Salamander (1928). Movie versions of literary works occupied an important place in Grebner’s creative work: The Break (1929, based on a work by B. A. Lavrenev), uprising of the Fishermen (1934, after a work by A. Zegers), The Fifteen-year-old Captain (1946. based on J. Verne), and The White Poodle (1956, after A. I. Kuprin’s work). The movies Suvorov (1941, with N. A. Ravich) and The Cruiser “Variag” (1947) are devoted to heroic events of Russian history. Grebner also wrote scripts for animated cartoons and popular science movies. He was awarded the State Prize of the USSR in 1947.