Hugh Todd Naylor Gaitskell
Gaitskell, Hugh Todd Naylor
Born Apr. 9, 1906, in London; died there Jan. 18, 1963. British political figure.
In 1927, Gaitskell graduated from Oxford University. He taught political economy at London University. In 1945 he was elected to Parliament, and from 1947 to 1951 he was a member of the government. After 1955 he was the leader of the Labour Party and, after 1957, vice-president of the Socialist International. He held the views of the right wing of the Labour Party. He advocated the theory of “democratic socialism” and “harmony of the classes,” and he opposed working with the Communists. In the field of foreign policy, he supported the principle of peaceful coexistence and at the same time favored strengthening the aggressive NATO bloc.