

(hī'pō-ten'shŭn), 1. Subnormal arterial blood pressure. Synonym(s): hypopiesis2. Reduced pressure or tension of any kind. [hypo- + L. tensio, a stretching]


(hī'pō-ten'shŭn) 1. Subnormal arterial blood pressure.
Synonym(s): hypopiesis.
2. Reduced pressure or tension of any kind. [hypo- + L. tensio, a stretching]

Patient discussion about hypopiesis

Q. how can u lower your bp naturally A. a change in lifestyle- Reducing Salt and Sodium in Your Diet, change to a healthier diet,Maintaining a Healthy Weight, Being Physically Active, Limiting Alcohol Intake, Quitting Smoking. i don't think it can take you off meds , but it can lower the amount of the considerably.

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