hypophysiotropic hormone

hy·po·phys·i·o·trop·ic hor·mone

a hormone that stimulates the rate of secretion of hypophysial hormones; for example, a releasing factor; hypothalamic (regulatory) factor.

hypophysiotropic hormone

A hormone produced by the endocrine cells in the hypothalamus, released to the corresponding capillary bed—the median eminence—and transported directly to the anterior pituitary via the hypophyseal portal vessels. Hypophysiotropic hormones’ sole role are to regulate hormone release by the adenohypophysis.
Growth-hormone-releasing hormone.

hy·po·phys·i·o·trop·ic hor·mone

(hīpō-fizē-ō-trōpik hōrmōn) Hormone that stimulates rate of secretion of hypophysial hormones.