hypophysiosphenoidal syndrome

hy·po·phys·i·o·sphe·noi·dal syn·drome

neoplastic invasion of the base of the skull in the region of the sphenoidal sinus, often with destruction of the dorsum sellae.

hy·po·phys·i·o·sphe·noi·dal syn·drome

(hī'pō-fiz'ē-ō-sfē-noy'dăl sin'drōm) Neoplastic invasion of the base of the skull in the region of the sphenoidal sinus, often with destruction of the dorsum sellae.

hy·po·phys·i·o·sphe·noi·dal syn·drome

(hī'pō-fiz'ē-ō-sfē-noy'dăl sin'drōm) Neoplastic invasion of cranial base in the region of the sphenoidal sinus.