释义 |
hypophyseoprivic hy·po·phys·i·o·priv·ic (hī'pō-fiz'ē-ō-priv'ik), Denoting the condition in which the pituitary gland may be functionally inactive or may be absent, as after hypophysectomy. Synonym(s): hypophyseoprivic [hypophysis + L. privus, deprived of] hy·po·phys·i·o·priv·ic (hī'pō-fiz'ē-ō-priv'ik) Pertaining to absence or depressed function of the pituitary gland. Synonym(s): hypophyseoprivic. [hypophysis + L. privus, deprived of]hypophyseoprivic (hī″pō-fĭz″ē-ō-prĭv′ĭk) Deficiency of hormone secretion from the pituitary. |