ICACInternet Crimes Against Children
ICACIndependent Commission Against Corruption
ICACInternational Conference on Autonomic Computing
ICACInternational Cotton Advisory Committee
ICACInstituto de Contabilidad y Auditoría de Cuentas (Spain)
ICACInstitute of Clean Air Companies
ICACInternet Caucus Advisory Committee
ICACInvestment Counsel Association of Canada
ICACInsurance Committee for Arson Control (Indianapolis, IN)
ICACInner City Asthma Consortium (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases)
ICACInternational Conference on Control Applications
ICACInternational Conference on Computing, Communication and Control
ICACInstallation Climate Assessment Committee
ICACIndiana Certified Addiction Counselor
ICACInstruction & Curriculum Advisory Committee (Moorhead, Minnesota)
ICACInternational Conference on Advances in Computing
ICACInstallation Community Actions Council
ICACInternational Commercial Arbitration and Conciliation
ICACInternational Council on Animal Protection