Hueston Woods State Park

Hueston Woods State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Ohio
Location:In the southwest part of the state, 1 hour northwest of Cincinnati.
Facilities:488 campsites (252 with electricity), 3 camper cabins (é), 37 cottages, 96-room lodge, group camp, horsemen's camp, showers, flush toilets, picnic areas, restaurant, hiking trails (10 miles), bridle trails (18 miles), bike trails (12 miles), bike rentals, horse rentals, swimming beach, fishing pier (é), food concession, marina, boat ramps, boat rentals, fuel dock, 18-hole golf course, paintball field, target range, nature center, playground, game courts.
Activities:Camping, boating (10 HP limit), fishing, swimming, hiking, mountain biking, horseback riding, golf, cross-country skiing, sledding, ice skating, ice fishing, ice boating, paintball, nature programs.
Special Features:Park includes a year-round nature center which provides bird and flower walks, slide talks, and fossil hunts.
Address:6301 Park Office Rd
College Corner, OH 45003

Size: 2,936 acres land; 625 acres water.

See other parks in Ohio.