hue, saturation, brightness

hue, saturation, brightness

(graphics)(HSB) A colour model that describes colours interms of hue, saturation, and brightness.

In the tables below, a hue is a "pure" colour, i.e. one withno black or white in it. A shade is a "dark" colour, i.e. oneproduced by mixing a hue with black. A tint is a "light"colour, i.e. one produced by mixing a hue with white. A toneis a colour produced by mixing a hue with a shade of grey.

Microsoft Windows colour dialogs, PagePlus, and Paint Shop Pro use HSB but call the third dimension "luminosity"or "lightness". It ranges from 0% (black) to 100% (white). Apure hue is 50% luminosity, 100% saturation.

Colour type S LBlack Any 0%White Any 100%Grey 0% 1-99%Hue 100% 50%Shade 100% 1-49%Tint 100% 51-99%Tone 1-99% 1-99%

Quattro Pro, CorelDraw, and PhotoShop use a variant(Quattro Pro calls the third parameter "brightness") in whicha brightness of 100% can produce white, a pure hue, oranything in between, depending on the saturation.

Colour type S BBlack Any 0%White 0% 100%Grey 0% 1-99%Hue 100% 100%Shade 100% 1-99%Tint 1-99% 100%Tone 1-99% 1-99%