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hexachlorocyclohexane (ˌhɛksəˌklɔːrəˌsaɪkləʊˈhɛkseɪn) n (Elements & Compounds) a white or yellowish powder existing in many isomeric forms. A mixture of isomers, including lindane, is used as an insecticide. Formula: C6H6Cl6EncyclopediaSeelindanehexachlorocyclohexane
gam·ma ben·zene hex·a·chlor·ide (GBH), (gam'ă ben'zēn heks'ă-klōr'īd), One of the purified isomers of hexachlorobenzene that is used as a scabicide and pediculicide applied topically to the skin in various lotions, creams, and shampoos; GBH can be absorbed through the skin. Resembles DDT in its actions but is less persistent. Synonym(s): hexachlorocyclohexaneAcronymsSeeHCH |