Illinois River Road: Route of the Voyageurs

Illinois River Road: Route of the Voyageurs

Parks Directory of the United States / National Scenic BywaysAddress:Peioria Area Convention & Visitors Bureau
456 Fulton St, Suite 300
Peoria, IL 61602

Web: Description:Byway preserves the natural rivercountry along the banks of the Illinois River, following the routes ofsome of the early French explorers (les Voyageurs).It parallels the Illinois River Country Nature Trail, a chain of100+ nature-based destinations inthe Illinois River Valley. Natural areas such as the Wildlife PrairieState Park and the Emiquon National Wildlife Refuge provide habitat forseveral of the species that have come to characterize the Americanfrontier experience, such as buffalo, wildgeese, and the American bald eagle.
Legth: 291 miles. Start/Endpoint: Bywayis a series of roadways paralleling the Illinois River on both sides ofthe river from Ottawa, near the I&M Canal Corridor, southwest toHavana at the intersection of US 136 in central Illinois. Time to Allow: 7 hours. Designation/Year: National Scenic Byway (2005).

See other parks in Illinois.