

 [hi″po-for´e-ah] heterophoria in which there is permanent downward deviation of the visual axis of an eye in the absence of visual stimuli.


(hī'pō-fō'rē-ă), A tendency of the visual axis of one eye to deviate downward, prevented by binocular vision. [hypo- + G. phora, motion]


(hī'pō-fōr'ē-ă) A tendency of the visual axis of one eye to deviate downward, prevented by binocular vision. [hypo- + G. phora, motion]


A latent tendency to vertical squint in which a covered eye becomes oriented downwards but resumes straight binocular FIXATION when uncovered.


The tendency for the line of sight of one eye to deviate upward relative to that of the other eye, in the absence of an adequate stimulus to fusion. If the deviation tends to be downward relative to the other eye or if the other eye in hyperphoria is used as a reference, the condition is called hypophoria. See kataphoria.
left hyperphoria (L/R) Hyperphoria in which the line of sight of the left eye deviates upward relative to the other eye.
paretic hyperphoria Hyperphoria due to a paresis of one or several of the extraocular muscles.
right hyperphoria (R/L) Hyperphoria in which the line of sight of the right eye deviates upward relative to the other eye.