释义 |
hypometria [hi″po-me´tre-ah] ataxia in which movements fall short of the intended goal.hy·po·met·ri·a (hī'pō-mē'trē-ă), Ataxia characterized by underreaching an object or goal; seen with cerebellar disease. Compare: hypermetria. [hypo- + G. metron, measure] hy·po·me·tri·a (hī'pō-mē'trē-ă) Ataxia characterized by underreaching an object or goal; seen with cerebellar disease. Compare: hypermetria[hypo- + G. metron, measure]dysmetria, ocularAbnormality of eye movements in which the eyes overshoot (hypermetria) or undershoot (hypometria) when attempting to fixate an object. It could be a sign of cerebellar disease, ocular motor nerve paresis, myasthenia gravis, internuclear ophthalmoplegia (overshoot of the eye contralateral to the lesion), etc. See flutter; opsoclonus. |