Hottentot Bloc
Hottentot Bloc
the Bülow bloc, a reactionary bloc of German political parties, including conservatives, national liberals, and so-called freethinkers, created with the active participation of Chancellor B. von Bülow from December 1906 to January 1907 after the dissolution of the Reichstag, which had rejected the government bill on additional appropriations to suppress the Hottentot uprising (1904–07) in German South West Africa. The formation of the Hottentot bloc (thus called by its opponents) attested to the consolidation of the forces of the imperialist bourgeoisie and the Junkers to suppress the liberation movement in the colonies and implement expansionist foreign policies. In new elections to the Reichstag in 1907 the Hottentot bloc received about 60 percent of the total number of mandates. With the support of the Hottentot bloc, Bülow carried out policies of increased colonial expansion and the strengthening of German naval power. In 1909 the Hottentot bloc disintegrated, which prompted the resignation of Bülow.
Kheifets, la. I. “Gottentotskii blok i vybory v germanskii reikhstag v 1907.” Uch. zap. Kabardinskogo gosudarstvennogo pedago-gicheskogo i uchitel’skogo in-ta. 1951, issue 3.I. A. NIKITINA