

单词 idea



I0018500 (ī-dē′ə) n. 1. Something, such as a thought or conception, that is the product of mental activity. 2. An opinion, conviction, or principle: has some strange political ideas. 3. A plan, purpose, or goal: She started school with the idea of becoming a doctor. 4. The gist or significance: The idea of the article is that investing in green technology can save you money in the long run. 5. A sense that something can happen; a notion or expectation: They have this idea that we can just drop what we're doing and go to the park. 6. Music A theme or motif. 7. Philosophy a. In the philosophy of Plato, a non-physical form or archetype to which beings in phenomenal reality correspond only as imperfect replicas. b. In the philosophy of Kant, a concept of reason that is transcendent but nonempirical. c. In the philosophy of Hegel, absolute truth; the complete and ultimate product of reason. 8. Obsolete A mental image of something remembered.
[Middle English, from Latin, from Greek; see weid- in the Appendix of Indo-European roots.]
i·de′a·less adj. Synonyms: idea, thought, notion, concept, conception
These nouns refer to what is formed or represented in the mind as the product of mental activity. Idea has the widest range: "Human history is in essence a history of ideas" (H.G. Wells).
Thought is distinctively intellectual and stresses contemplation and reasoning: She gathered her thoughts before she spoke. Notion suggests an often intuitive idea or image conceived by the mind: "All that came to mind was a notion of galactic space, of spirals, the Horse Nebula, all of which were distant and mysterious and cold" (Craig Nova).
Concept and conception are applied to mental formulations on a broad scale: You seem to have absolutely no concept of time. "Every succeeding scientific discovery makes greater nonsense of old-time conceptions of sovereignty" (Anthony Eden).


(aɪˈdɪə) n1. any content of the mind, esp the conscious mind2. the thought of something: the very idea appals me. 3. a mental representation of something: she's got a good idea of the layout of the factory. 4. the characterization of something in general terms; concept: the idea of a square circle is self-contradictory. 5. an individual's conception of something: his idea of honesty is not the same as yours and mine. 6. the belief that something is the case: he has the idea that what he's doing is right. 7. a scheme, intention, plan, etc: here's my idea for the sales campaign. 8. a vague notion or indication; inkling: he had no idea of what life would be like in Africa. 9. significance or purpose: the idea of the game is to discover the murderer. 10. (Philosophy) philosophy a. a private mental object, regarded as the immediate object of thought or perceptionb. a Platonic Idea or Form11. (Classical Music) music a thematic phrase or figure; motif12. obsolete a mental image13. get ideas to become ambitious, restless, etc14. not one's idea of not what one regards as (hard work, a holiday, etc)15. that's an idea that is worth considering16. the very idea! that is preposterous, unreasonable, etc[C16: via Late Latin from Greek: model, pattern, notion, from idein to see] iˈdealess adjUsage: It is usually considered correct to say that someone has the idea of doing something, rather than the idea to do it: he had the idea of taking (not the idea to take) a short holiday


(aɪˈdɪə) n (Philosophy) another name for Form


(aɪˈdi ə, aɪˈdiə)

n. 1. any conception existing in the mind as a result of mental understanding, awareness, or activity. 2. a thought, conception, or notion. 3. an impression: Give me a general idea of what happened. 4. an opinion, view, or belief. 5. a plan of action; intention: with the idea of becoming an engineer. 6. a purpose or guiding principle: What was the idea of that? 7. a groundless supposition; fantasy. 8. Philos. a. a concept developed by the mind. b. a conception of what is desirable or ought to be; ideal. c. (cap.) Platonism. Also called form. an archetype or pattern of which the individual objects in any natural class are imperfect copies and from which they derive their being. 9. a musical theme or figure. 10. Obs. a. a likeness. b. a mental image. [1400–50; late Middle English idee < Middle French < Late Latin < Greek idéā form, kind, sort] i•de′a•less, adj. syn: idea, thought, conception, notion refer to a product of mental activity. idea refers to a mental representation that is the product of creative imagination: She had an excellent idea for the party. thought emphasizes the intellectual processes of reasoning, contemplating, reflecting, or recollecting: I welcomed his thoughts on the subject. conception suggests imaginative, creative, and somewhat intricate mental activity: The architect's conception of the building was a glass skyscraper. notion suggests a fleeting, vague, or imperfect thought: I had only a bare notion of how to proceed. pron: See police.


An object in the mind. For Plato, the metaphysical pattern of which real objects are pale reflections.
Noun1.idea - the content of cognitionidea - the content of cognition; the main thing you are thinking about; "it was not a good idea"; "the thought never entered my mind"thoughtcognitive content, mental object, content - the sum or range of what has been perceived, discovered, or learnedinspiration - arousal of the mind to special unusual activity or creativitycogitation - a carefully considered thought about something; "his cogitations were dutifully recorded in his daybook"concept, conception, construct - an abstract or general idea inferred or derived from specific instancespreoccupation - an idea that preoccupies the mind and holds the attentionmisconception - an incorrect conceptionplan, program, programme - a series of steps to be carried out or goals to be accomplished; "they drew up a six-step plan"; "they discussed plans for a new bond issue"figment - a contrived or fantastic idea; "a figment of the imagination"generalisation, generality, generalization - an idea or conclusion having general application; "he spoke in broad generalities"suggestion - an idea that is suggested; "the picnic was her suggestion"impression, notion, belief, feeling, opinion - a vague idea in which some confidence is placed; "his impression of her was favorable"; "what are your feelings about the crisis?"; "it strengthened my belief in his sincerity"; "I had a feeling that she was lying"reaction - an idea evoked by some experience; "his reaction to the news was to start planning what to do"theorem - an idea accepted as a demonstrable truthwhimsey, whimsy, whim, notion - an odd or fanciful or capricious idea; "the theatrical notion of disguise is associated with disaster in his stories"; "he had a whimsy about flying to the moon"; "whimsy can be humorous to someone with time to enjoy it"meaning, substance - the idea that is intended; "What is the meaning of this proverb?"burden - the central idea that is expanded in a document or discoursetheme, motif - a unifying idea that is a recurrent element in literary or artistic work; "it was the usual `boy gets girl' theme"ideal - the idea of something that is perfect; something that one hopes to attainidealisation, idealization - something that exists only as an ideakeynote - a fundamental or central ideakink - an eccentric idea
2.idea - your intention; what you intend to do; "he had in mind to see his old teacher"; "the idea of the game is to capture all the pieces"mindaim, intent, intention, purpose, design - an anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides your planned actions; "his intent was to provide a new translation"; "good intentions are not enough"; "it was created with the conscious aim of answering immediate needs"; "he made no secret of his designs"
3.idea - a personal view; "he has an idea that we don't like him"opinion, persuasion, sentiment, thought, view - a personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty; "my opinion differs from yours"; "I am not of your persuasion"; "what are your thoughts on Haiti?"
4.idea - an approximate calculation of quantity or degree or worthidea - an approximate calculation of quantity or degree or worth; "an estimate of what it would cost"; "a rough idea how long it would take"approximation, estimate, estimationscalage - estimation of the amount of lumber in a logfiguring, reckoning, calculation, computation - problem solving that involves numbers or quantitiescredit rating, credit - an estimate, based on previous dealings, of a person's or an organization's ability to fulfill their financial commitmentsdead reckoning, guessing, guesswork, guess, shot - an estimate based on little or no informationguesstimate, guestimate - an estimate that combines reasoning with guessingoverrating, overreckoning, overestimate, overestimation - a calculation that results in an estimate that is too highunderestimate, underestimation, underrating, underreckoning - an estimation that is too low; an estimate that is less than the true or actual value
5.idea - (music) melodic subject of a musical compositionidea - (music) melodic subject of a musical composition; "the theme is announced in the first measures"; "the accompanist picked up the idea and elaborated it"melodic theme, musical theme, thememusic - an artistic form of auditory communication incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a structured and continuous mannermelodic line, melodic phrase, melody, tune, strain, air, line - a succession of notes forming a distinctive sequence; "she was humming an air from Beethoven"motif, motive - a theme that is repeated or elaborated in a piece of musicstatement - (music) the presentation of a musical theme; "the initial statement of the sonata"variation - a repetition of a musical theme in which it is modified or embellished


noun1. plan, scheme, proposal, design, theory, strategy, method, solution, suggestion, recommendation, proposition It's a good idea to keep a stock of tins in the cupboard.2. notion, thought, view, understanding, teaching, opinion, belief, conclusion, hypothesis, impression, conviction, judgment, interpretation, sentiment, doctrine, conception, viewpoint Some of his ideas about democracy are entirely his own.3. impression, estimate, guess, hint, notion, clue, conjecture, surmise, inkling, approximation, intimation, ballpark figure This graph will give you some idea of levels of ability.4. understanding, thought, view, sense, opinion, concept, impression, judgment, perception, conception, abstraction, estimation By the end of the week you will have a clearer idea of the system.5. suspicion, guess, impression, notion, hunch, conjecture, gut feeling (informal), supposition I had an idea that he joined the army later.6. intention, aim, purpose, object, end, plan, reason, goal, design, objective, motive The idea is to help lower-income families to buy their homes.Related words
fear ideophobia
"Nothing is more dangerous than an idea, when you have only one idea" [Alain Propos sur la religion]
"A stand can be made against invasion by an army; no stand can be made against invasion by an idea" [Victor Hugo Histoire d'une Crime]
"It is better to entertain an idea than to take it home to live with you for the rest of your life" [Randall Jarrell Pictures from an Institution]
"Right now it's only a notion, but I think I can get the money to make it into a concept, and later turn it into an idea" [Woody Allen Annie Hall]


noun1. That which exists in the mind as the product of careful mental activity:concept, conception, image, notion, perception, thought.2. Something believed or accepted as true by a person:belief, conviction, feeling, mind, notion, opinion, persuasion, position, sentiment, view.3. Intuitive cognition:feeling, hunch, impression, intuition, suspicion.4. A method for making, doing, or accomplishing something:blueprint, design, game plan, layout, plan, project, schema, scheme, strategy.5. The gist of a specific action or situation:import, meaning, point, purport, significance, significancy.


(aiˈdiə) noun1. opinion; belief. I have an idea that it won't work. 意見,想法 意见2. a plan. I've an idea for solving this problem. 計劃 计划3. mental picture. This will give you an idea of what I mean. 概念 概念




  • a bright idea
  • abstract idea
  • balk at the idea (of something)
  • bounce an idea off (of) (one)
  • bounce an idea off someone
  • bright idea
  • buck (one's) ideas up
  • buck up (one's) ideas
  • buck up your ideas
  • buck your ideas up
  • flirt with (someone or something)
  • flirt with the idea of doing
  • float an idea
  • get (any) ideas
  • get ideas
  • get the idea
  • get the wrong idea (about someone or something)
  • give (one) ideas
  • give somebody ideas
  • have no idea
  • have the right idea
  • idea box
  • labor under (something)
  • not have the faintest idea
  • not have the first idea
  • not have the foggiest idea
  • not have the slightest idea
  • put an idea in(to) (someone's) head
  • put ideas in(to) (one's) head
  • put ideas into head
  • put ideas into someone's head
  • rough idea
  • run away with the idea
  • run away with the idea/notion
  • that's an idea
  • that's an idea!
  • that's the idea
  • that's the idea!
  • the (very) idea!
  • the foggiest (idea)
  • the foggiest idea
  • the idea
  • the idea!
  • The very idea!
  • What's the big idea?
  • what's the idea
  • What's the idea?
  • you have no idea
  • you have no idea...



 [i-de´ah] a mental impression or conception.autochthonous idea a persistent idea, originating within the mind, usually from the unconscious, but seeming to have come from an outside source and often therefore felt to be of malevolent origin.dominant idea one that controls or colors every action and thought.fixed idea a persistent morbid impression or belief that cannot be changed by reason.overvalued idea a false or exaggerated belief sustained beyond logic or reason but with less rigidity than a delusion, also often being less patently unbelievable.idea of reference the incorrect idea that the words and actions of others refer to one's self, or the projection of the causes of one's own imaginary difficulties upon someone else.


(ī-dē'ă), Any mental image or concept. [G. form, appearance, fr. idein, to have seen, fr. obs. eidō, to see]


(ī-dē'ă) Acronym for Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.


(ī-dē'ă) Any mental image or concept. [G. form, appearance, fr. idein, to have seen, fr. obs. eidō, to see]


(ī-dē'ă) Any mental image or concept. [G. form, appearance, fr. idein, to have seen, fr. obs. eidō, to see]

Patient discussion about idea

Q. Please give any idea to try? I always tend to eat a lot, I am food lover & my mom cooks very good and I can’t stop overeating….I am obese yet I cannot…….I have tried thrice on a good diet plan and fitness program, which I failed to carry on……………please give any idea to try?A. My dear …the problem is that you don’t eat to live but you live to eat. There must be a strategy that you first eat when you are hungry and this needs mental exercise not a physical and no diet plan even. This craving must be reduced. You can leave your house for some time and join some yoga village and have the diet they give and exercise under the trainer. You don’t need any diet plan you need diet management with physical training and to start on that you need mental motivation.

Q. I don’t have any idea about herbal medicine. Hi! My 7 years old daughter is suffering from asthma and this gets severe with cold. I would like to know, is there any herbal medicine or syrup that my daughter can take for her asthma and cold. I don’t have any idea about herbal medicine. Thank You.A. HELLO JUSTIN,their is herbal meds out there,to help people from getting a cold,because when a person with asthma-gets a cold,it will bring on a attack. once an asthma attack starts,you have to use conventional meds.bronchodilators(inhalers)-steroids-methylxanthines-and sometimes oxygen. Herbal meds work slower than conventional meds-you cant use them for a disease like asthma,because time is everything when a person has and asthma attack,because no one can predict how long an attack will last---my suggestion to you is to find a pulmonologist(DR).--not a regular dr. IF you can keep your child from getting a cold--from being around dust in the house-smoke--fumes,and some odors--an asthma attack can start from exertion(exercise-induced asthma)---foods/wine-some dyes found in candy(yellow dye)--aspirin some cheeses--spores-pollens,animal danders.If you decide to try herbal meds(PLEASE)check with your DR. first------mrfoot56

Q. Why is it such a bad idea to take drugs. For the past two months I am not peaceful at home. My parents always advice and irritates me to avoid drugs. Why is it such a bad idea to take drugs? Why they behave like this?A. You risk also to make each day suicide for a nothing. You are too precious to leave us all here alone - starting with your family. Talk with us, chat with us, send us messages, but please don't shoot you or stay away from a computer. I smoked during 9 years cigarettes - heavy, superheavy sometimes, 80 cigarettes a day. I stopped abruptly, but that you can manage the missing of each cigarette-kick you must be prepared, because the new problems will instantly start after your very last cigarette. Today i had to smoke two cigarettes to bring me down beause i have a crisis to manage of bipolar disorder and ADHD plus Sanpaku eyes. You need very hard medications usually. But because I have enough from "heavy-metal" pharma-trash, I look and run around to get natural products to have no smashing side-effects. Drugs are not fun at all. You are depending to a needle, some white powder, sniffing if you can and perhaps loosing the lifeline to reality. Don't make this very stupid thing!We

More discussions about idea


IDEAImprovement and Development Agency (UK government)
IDEAInnovations Deserving Exploratory Analysis (National Academies)
IDEAInternational Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance
IDEAInternational Data Encryption Algorithm (cryptography method by Xuejia Lai and James Massey)
IDEAInternational Debate Education Association
IDEAIowa Department of Education
IDEAInternational Design Excellence Awards (Industrial Designers Society of America)
IDEAInternational Diaspora Engagement Alliance (Washington, DC)
IDEAIndustrial Design Excellence Awards
IDEAImplementation Dependant Expansion Area
IDEAInternational Data Encryption Algorithm
IDEAInstitute of Development in Automotive Engineering
IDEAInstituto para el Desarrollo Empresarial de la Argentina
IDEAInternational Dialects of English Archive
IDEAInternational District Energy Association (formerly National District Heating Association)
IDEAIowa Department of Elder Affairs (Des Moines, IA)
IDEAIndustry Data Exchange Association
IDEAIrish Doctors Environmental Association
IDEAIndividuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1990
IDEAInnovative Development through Employee Awareness (US Air Force suggestion program)
IDEAInternational Dance Exercise Association
IDEAIndividual Development and Educational Assessment
IDEAInternational Diving Educators Association
IDEAInstituto para el Desarrollo de Antioquia (Medellín, Colombia)
IDEAInstituto de Derecho y Economía Ambiental (Spanish: Institute for Environmental Law and Economics)
IDEAFundación Instituto de Estudios Avanzados (Caracas, Venezuela)
IDEAInstitute for Democracy, Education & Access (UCLA)
IDEAIntegrated Data for Enforcement Analysis
IDEAIdentification Electronique des Animaux (French)
IDEAInteractive Data Exploration and Analysis
IDEAInternet Design, Engineering, and Analysis
IDEAInfusing Satellite Data Into Environmental Applications
IDEAInternational Development Enterprise Associates
IDEAInnovative Demonstrations for Energy Adaptability (New York, NY)
IDEAInternational Data Exchange Association
IDEAIndiana Democratic Editorial Association
IDEAInstitute for Defense Education and Analysis
IDEAImprove by Developing Efficient Alternatives
IDEAInternational Defense Educational Arrangement
IDEAIntelligent Design Aid
IDEAInternational Database for Ecoprofile Analysis
IDEAInternet Development and Exchange Association
IDEAInventory of the Dimensions of Emerging Adulthood (behavioral science)
IDEAIntegrated Design/Engineering Aide
IDEAInstant Discounts Electronically Applied (Marsh Supermarkets)
IDEAIntelligent Document Exchange Architecture
IDEAInterdisciplinary Education and Action Program
IDEAIdentify, Define, Empower, Assess
IDEAIndividuals Dedicated to Excellence and Achievement
IDEAIntegrated Design Engineering Activity
IDEAIntegrity Design & Engineering Associates (engineering firm)
IDEAImperial College London, Delft University of Technology, ETH Zurich, RWTH Aachen University (European technical Universities league)
IDEAInnovative in Developing Enterprising Activities
IDEAInverted Duplication Exchange and Advocacy
IDEAIndividual Development and Educational Advancement
IDEAInterrelationships, Diversity, Ecosystems and Adaptations (Yosemite Institute)
IDEAImaging Double Energy Analyzer
IDEAIrish Dance and Entertainment Association
IDEAIntegrated Development Emulation and Analysis
IDEAInstitute for Democratic Education in America (Tarrytown, NY)


  • noun

Synonyms for idea

noun plan


  • plan
  • scheme
  • proposal
  • design
  • theory
  • strategy
  • method
  • solution
  • suggestion
  • recommendation
  • proposition

noun notion


  • notion
  • thought
  • view
  • understanding
  • teaching
  • opinion
  • belief
  • conclusion
  • hypothesis
  • impression
  • conviction
  • judgment
  • interpretation
  • sentiment
  • doctrine
  • conception
  • viewpoint

noun impression


  • impression
  • estimate
  • guess
  • hint
  • notion
  • clue
  • conjecture
  • surmise
  • inkling
  • approximation
  • intimation
  • ballpark figure

noun understanding


  • understanding
  • thought
  • view
  • sense
  • opinion
  • concept
  • impression
  • judgment
  • perception
  • conception
  • abstraction
  • estimation

noun suspicion


  • suspicion
  • guess
  • impression
  • notion
  • hunch
  • conjecture
  • gut feeling
  • supposition

noun intention


  • intention
  • aim
  • purpose
  • object
  • end
  • plan
  • reason
  • goal
  • design
  • objective
  • motive

Synonyms for idea

noun that which exists in the mind as the product of careful mental activity


  • concept
  • conception
  • image
  • notion
  • perception
  • thought

noun something believed or accepted as true by a person


  • belief
  • conviction
  • feeling
  • mind
  • notion
  • opinion
  • persuasion
  • position
  • sentiment
  • view

noun intuitive cognition


  • feeling
  • hunch
  • impression
  • intuition
  • suspicion

noun a method for making, doing, or accomplishing something


  • blueprint
  • design
  • game plan
  • layout
  • plan
  • project
  • schema
  • scheme
  • strategy

noun the gist of a specific action or situation


  • import
  • meaning
  • point
  • purport
  • significance
  • significancy

Synonyms for idea

noun the content of cognition


  • thought

Related Words

  • cognitive content
  • mental object
  • content
  • inspiration
  • cogitation
  • concept
  • conception
  • construct
  • preoccupation
  • misconception
  • plan
  • program
  • programme
  • figment
  • generalisation
  • generality
  • generalization
  • suggestion
  • impression
  • notion
  • belief
  • feeling
  • opinion
  • reaction
  • theorem
  • whimsey
  • whimsy
  • whim
  • meaning
  • substance
  • burden
  • theme
  • motif
  • ideal
  • idealisation
  • idealization
  • keynote
  • kink

noun your intention


  • mind

Related Words

  • aim
  • intent
  • intention
  • purpose
  • design

noun a personal view

Related Words

  • opinion
  • persuasion
  • sentiment
  • thought
  • view

noun an approximate calculation of quantity or degree or worth


  • approximation
  • estimate
  • estimation

Related Words

  • scalage
  • figuring
  • reckoning
  • calculation
  • computation
  • credit rating
  • credit
  • dead reckoning
  • guessing
  • guesswork
  • guess
  • shot
  • guesstimate
  • guestimate
  • overrating
  • overreckoning
  • overestimate
  • overestimation
  • underestimate
  • underestimation
  • underrating
  • underreckoning

noun (music) melodic subject of a musical composition


  • melodic theme
  • musical theme
  • theme

Related Words

  • music
  • melodic line
  • melodic phrase
  • melody
  • tune
  • strain
  • air
  • line
  • motif
  • motive
  • statement
  • variation




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