

单词 ibt



(1) (Instructor Based Training) Training courses conducted by human teachers.

(2) (Internet Based Training) Training courses provided via the Internet.


IBTInternet-Based Test (various organizations)
IBTInternational Brotherhood of Teamsters
IBTInstitute of Biotechnology
IBTInstitute for Bible Translation (Stockholm, Sweden)
IBTI'll Be There
IBTInternet-Based Training
IBTInternational Biotechnology Trust (investments; UK)
IBTInstitute of Biosciences and Technology (Texas A&M University)
IBTInternational Ballet Theatre (Kirkland, WA)
IBTIncome Before Taxes
IBTInterbasin transfer
IBTInstitute of Business and Technology
IBTIntermediate Belt Transfer (Xerox)
IBTInternational Basketball Tournament
IBTInter-Branch Transfer
IBTIsland Biogeography Theory
IBTImagine Ballet Theatre (Ogden, UT)
IBTInvestors Bank and Trust
IBTIntegrated Building Technology
IBTIndianapolis Baptist Temple
IBTInstructor Based Training
IBTIndirect Business Tax (economics)
IBTIntersystem Bonding Termination (National Electrical Code requirement)
IBTIllinois Business Tax (number)
IBTIntelliLight Broadband Transport (Verizon Communications Inc.)
IBTInternal Body Temperature
IBTImmune-based therapy
IBTInbound Transportation
IBTIllinois Bureau of Tourism (Chicago, IL)
IBTImasen Bucyrus Technology (Bucyrus, OH)
IBTIndustrial Biotest Laboratory
IBTIndirect Branch Table
IBTInclined Bed Therapy
IBTIn-Band Terminator
IBTImmunization Back-Up Technician (US Air Force)
IBTInformation Bearing Thing
IBTIntra Battalion Transfer




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