Gyula Lazíczius
Lazíczius, Gyula
Born Aug. 18, 1896, in Újpest; died Aug. 4, 1957, in Budapest. Hungarian linguist; member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (1945).
Lazíczius graduated from the University of Budapest in 1920 and became a professor there in 1938. He first studied literature and aesthetics, but later developed an interest in the Finno-Ugric languages, particularly Hungarian, and general linguistics. Lazíczius developed the theory of the phoneme. He was strongly influenced by F. de Saussure and the Prague school of structuralism.
Bevezetés a fonológiába. Budapest, 1932.
Általános nyelvészet. Budapest, 1942.
Fonétika, 2nd ed. Budapest, 1963.
Lehrbuch der Phonetik. Berlin, 1961.