Gyulai, Pál
Gyulai, Pál
Born Jan. 25, 1826, in Kolezsvár; died Nov. 9, 1909, in Budapest. Hungarian literary scholar and critic. Participated in the Revolution of 1848.
Gyulai became a professor of Hungarian literature at the University of Budapest in 1876. He was the president of the Kisfaludi Literary Society. His works included SándorPetöfi and Our Lyric Poetry (1854), József Katona and His “Bánk B±n” (1858), and Biography of Vörösmarty (1866). He was the first to evaluate the work of Petofi and J. Arany as a peak in the development of Hungarian literature. However, he spoke out against the sharp social tendency in literature, appealing for sober moderation. He published the novella The Last Owner of the Grand Country Estate (1857).