Battle of New Orleans Day
Battle of New Orleans Day
This day is no longer as widely celebrated as it was before the Civil War, but it remains a legal holiday in Louisiana, where it is also known as Jackson Day or, in honor of Jackson's nickname, as Old Hickory's Day . The battlefield is located in Jean Lafitte National Historic Park, which sponsors commemorations and hosts living history encampments during the second weekend in January each year.
National Park Service, Chalmette Battlefield
419 Decatur St.
New Orleans, LA 70130
504-589-3882; fax: 504-589-3851
AmerBkDays-2000, p. 36
AnnivHol-2000, p. 6
DictDays-1988, pp. 9, 61, 84
FolkAmerHol-1999, p. 41
OxYear-1999, pp. 29, 36