greater palatine canal

great·er pal·a·tine ca·nal

[TA] the canalis formed between the maxilla and palatine bones; it transmits the descending palatine artery and the greater palatine nerve from the pterygopalatine fossa to the oral mucosa of the hard palate. Synonym(s): canalis palatinus major [TA], pterygopalatine canal

great·er pal·a·tine ca·nal

(grā'tĕr pal'ă-tīn kă-nal') [TA] The canal formed between the maxilla and palatine bones; it transmits the descending palatine artery and the greater palatine nerve.
Synonym(s): pterygopalatine canal.

greater palatine canal

In the skull, a thin vertical channel between the nasal surface of the maxillary bone and the perpendicular plate of the palatine bone that contains the greater (anterior) and lesser (middle and posterior) palatine nerves and the greater and lesser palatine vessels.See also: canal

great·er pal·a·tine ca·nal

(grā'tĕr pal'ă-tīn kă-nal') [TA] That formed between maxilla and palatine bones; transmits the descending palatine artery and the greater palatine nerve from the pterygopalatine fossa to the oral mucosa of the hard palate.