

单词 apl
释义 DictionarySeeprogramming language



(computer science) An interactive computer language whose operators accept and produce arrays with homogeneous elements of type number or character.


A Programming Language


(A Programming Language) A high-level mathematical programming language noted for its brevity and matrix generation capabilities. Developed by Kenneth Iverson in the mid-1960s, it runs on micros to mainframes and is often used to develop mathematical models. It is primarily an interpreted language, but compilers are available.

APL uses unique character symbols and, before today's graphical interfaces, required special software or ROM chips to enable the computer to display and print them. APL is popular in Europe.



Abbreviation for:
abductor pollicis longus
accelerated painless labour
accredited prior learning (Medspeak-UK)
acute promyelocytic leukaemia
altered peptide ligand
anterior pituitary-like
anterior pulmonary leaflet
arterial pressure lability
FinancialSeeAbove Poverty Line


APLApplied Physics Laboratory
APLA Programming Language
APLApple Public License (Darwin/Mac OS X Open-Source Project)
APLAdvance Payday Loan (consumer finance)
APLAmerican President Lines
APLAcute Promyelocytic Leukemia
APLApproved Products List
APLAventis Pharma, Ltd. (India)
APLApplied Physics Letters
APLArranjo Produtivo Local (Portuguese: Local Productive Arrangement)
APLApplied Physics Lab (Johns Hopkins University)
APLAmateur Poker League
APLAbductor Pollicis Longus
APLAide Personnalisée Au Logement (French: personalized housing subsidy)
APLAbove Poverty Line (India)
APLAurobindo Pharma Limited (pharmaceuticals; various locations)
APLAnti-Predatory Lending (policy)
APLArt and Practice of Leadership (various locations)
APLAnaheim Public Library (Anaheim, CA)
APLAnimal Protective League
APLAdvanced Programming Languages (computer science)
APLArlington Public Library (various locations)
APLAllowance Parts List
APLAllowance Parts List (IIS)
APLAustralian Poker League (cards)
APLAnterior Pituitary-Lobe (endocrine system)
APLApplication Library
APLApplication Layer
APLAdobe Plug-in
APLApplied Physics Lab
APLAdvanced Private Line
APLActuarial Programming Language
APLAnchorage Public Library (Anchorage, AK)
APLAutomatic Plate Loading
APLAlamogordo Public Library (New Mexico)
APLAdditional Paternity Leave
APLAmarillo Public Library (Amarillo, TX)
APLAlexandria Public Library (Virginia)
APLAustralian Pork Limited
APLArray Processing Language
APLAmerican Paintball League
APLAccredited Prior Learning
APLAdaptable Program Lending (World Bank)
APLAnti-Phospholipid (proteins)
APLAverage Picture Level
APLAnimal Planet (cable network channel)
APLAmerican Poetry and Literacy project
APLAbiding Presence Lutheran (Beltsville, MD)
APLApproved Product List
APLAnti-Personnel Landmines
APLArchitecture and Planning Library (various schools)
APLAvondale Public Library (Arizona)
APLAnalog Private Line
APLAutomatic Premium Loan (Insurance Term)
APLAssistant Patrol Leader (Boy Scouts of America)
APLAccountants Professional Liability (insurance)
APLAirport Lights
APLAccreditation for Prior Learning
APLAcceptable Performance Levels
APLAnimal Production Level (ruminant nutrition)
APLAlliance of Progressive Labour (Philippines)
APLAustralian Plague Locust (insect)
APLAverage Path Length
APLAssociation des Professeurs de Lettres (French: Association of Professors of Letters)
APLAssociation of Professional Librarians (various locations)
APLArmstrong Public Library (Iowa)
APLAdjustable Pressure Limiting (valve on anesthesia machines)
APLAmateur Public Link (golf)
APLBarracks Craft (Non Self-Propelled)
APLAmbulance Platoon Leader
APLAutonomous Passive Localization (wireless sensor networks)
APLApplication Programming Language
APLApproved Project List (various locations)
APLApproved Parts List
APLAll-Purpose Liquid
APLAtrichia with Papular Lesions
APLAlles Parallel Loesbar
APLAtomic Power Laboratory
APLArmpit Length (length of hair)
APLAqueous Phase Liquid
APLArphic Public License
APLAirport Pseudolite (communications navigation surveillance)
APLAshland Public Library (Ashland, OH)
APLArmy Promotion List
APLAnterior Pituitary-Like
APLAssociated Pathologists Laboratories
APLAutomatic Programming Language
APLAssociation de Promotion du Logement (French: Association for the Promotion of Housing; Belgium)
APLAverage Power Laser
APLAutomatic Parts Loader
APLAdaptive Parametric Linearization
APLAssembly Parts List
APLAssociation des Pompiers de Laval
APLApplication Parts List
APLAcquisition Policy Letter
APLAltoona Parochial League (Pennsylvania))
APLAlternative Pollutant Limit(s)
APLArmy Personnel Letter
APLApplied Psychological Laboratory (India, Defence Institute of Psychological Research)
APLAuthorized Price List
APLAnnular Pressure Level (oil industry)
APLAnnular Pressure Losses (oil drilling)
APLAvailability Provider Locator
APLAll Plastic Laminate (packaging industry)
APLAssociation of Police Lawyers (UK)
APLAdvanced Prototypes Lab for Satellite Payloads (University of California, Santa Cruz program)




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