Acronym | Definition |
APL➣Applied Physics Laboratory |
APL➣A Programming Language |
APL➣Apple Public License (Darwin/Mac OS X Open-Source Project) |
APL➣Airplane |
APL➣Advance Payday Loan (consumer finance) |
APL➣American President Lines |
APL➣Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia |
APL➣Approved Products List |
APL➣Aventis Pharma, Ltd. (India) |
APL➣Applied Physics Letters |
APL➣Arranjo Produtivo Local (Portuguese: Local Productive Arrangement) |
APL➣Applied Physics Lab (Johns Hopkins University) |
APL➣Amateur Poker League |
APL➣Antiphospholipid |
APL➣Abductor Pollicis Longus |
APL➣Aide Personnalisée Au Logement (French: personalized housing subsidy) |
APL➣Above Poverty Line (India) |
APL➣Aurobindo Pharma Limited (pharmaceuticals; various locations) |
APL➣Anti-Predatory Lending (policy) |
APL➣Art and Practice of Leadership (various locations) |
APL➣Anaheim Public Library (Anaheim, CA) |
APL➣Animal Protective League |
APL➣Advanced Programming Languages (computer science) |
APL➣Arlington Public Library (various locations) |
APL➣Allowance Parts List |
APL➣Allowance Parts List (IIS) |
APL➣Australian Poker League (cards) |
APL➣Anterior Pituitary-Lobe (endocrine system) |
APL➣Application Library |
APL➣Application Layer |
APL➣Adobe Plug-in |
APL➣Applied Physics Lab |
APL➣Advanced Private Line |
APL➣Actuarial Programming Language |
APL➣Anchorage Public Library (Anchorage, AK) |
APL➣Automatic Plate Loading |
APL➣Alamogordo Public Library (New Mexico) |
APL➣Additional Paternity Leave |
APL➣Amarillo Public Library (Amarillo, TX) |
APL➣Alexandria Public Library (Virginia) |
APL➣Australian Pork Limited |
APL➣Array Processing Language |
APL➣American Paintball League |
APL➣Accredited Prior Learning |
APL➣Adaptable Program Lending (World Bank) |
APL➣Anti-Phospholipid (proteins) |
APL➣Average Picture Level |
APL➣Animal Planet (cable network channel) |
APL➣American Poetry and Literacy project |
APL➣Abiding Presence Lutheran (Beltsville, MD) |
APL➣Approved Product List |
APL➣Anti-Personnel Landmines |
APL➣Architecture and Planning Library (various schools) |
APL➣Avondale Public Library (Arizona) |
APL➣Analog Private Line |
APL➣Automatic Premium Loan (Insurance Term) |
APL➣Assistant Patrol Leader (Boy Scouts of America) |
APL➣Accountants Professional Liability (insurance) |
APL➣Airport Lights |
APL➣Accreditation for Prior Learning |
APL➣Acceptable Performance Levels |
APL➣Animal Production Level (ruminant nutrition) |
APL➣Alliance of Progressive Labour (Philippines) |
APL➣Australian Plague Locust (insect) |
APL➣Average Path Length |
APL➣Association des Professeurs de Lettres (French: Association of Professors of Letters) |
APL➣Association of Professional Librarians (various locations) |
APL➣Armstrong Public Library (Iowa) |
APL➣Adjustable Pressure Limiting (valve on anesthesia machines) |
APL➣Amateur Public Link (golf) |
APL➣Barracks Craft (Non Self-Propelled) |
APL➣Ambulance Platoon Leader |
APL➣Autonomous Passive Localization (wireless sensor networks) |
APL➣Application Programming Language |
APL➣Approved Project List (various locations) |
APL➣Approved Parts List |
APL➣All-Purpose Liquid |
APL➣Atrichia with Papular Lesions |
APL➣Alles Parallel Loesbar |
APL➣Atomic Power Laboratory |
APL➣Armpit Length (length of hair) |
APL➣Aqueous Phase Liquid |
APL➣Arphic Public License |
APL➣Airport Pseudolite (communications navigation surveillance) |
APL➣Ashland Public Library (Ashland, OH) |
APL➣Army Promotion List |
APL➣Anterior Pituitary-Like |
APL➣Associated Pathologists Laboratories |
APL➣Automatic Programming Language |
APL➣Association de Promotion du Logement (French: Association for the Promotion of Housing; Belgium) |
APL➣Average Power Laser |
APL➣Automatic Parts Loader |
APL➣Adaptive Parametric Linearization |
APL➣Assembly Parts List |
APL➣Association des Pompiers de Laval |
APL➣Application Parts List |
APL➣Acquisition Policy Letter |
APL➣Altoona Parochial League (Pennsylvania)) |
APL➣Alternative Pollutant Limit(s) |
APL➣Army Personnel Letter |
APL➣Applied Psychological Laboratory (India, Defence Institute of Psychological Research) |
APL➣Authorized Price List |
APL➣Annular Pressure Level (oil industry) |
APL➣Annular Pressure Losses (oil drilling) |
APL➣Availability Provider Locator |
APL➣All Plastic Laminate (packaging industry) |
APL➣Association of Police Lawyers (UK) |
APL➣Advanced Prototypes Lab for Satellite Payloads (University of California, Santa Cruz program) |