释义 |
gyo·ta·ku G5336150 (gyō′tä′ko͞o′)n. The art or process of making a print of a fish by covering its body with ink or paint, placing a piece of thin paper (such as rice paper) over it, and rubbing the paper against the contours of the fish. Details such as the eye are often added by hand to the print. [Japanese : gyo-, fish (from Middle Chinese ŋı̷ə̆ (also the source of Mandarin yú), from Old Chinese *ŋa;; akin to Tibetan ña and Burmese ŋa) + -taku, rubbing (from Middle Chinese thak, to take up, lift, open up, from Old Chinese *thâk; akin to Tibetan theg-pa, to lift).]gyotaku
gyotaku[′gyō·tä‚ku̇] (graphic arts) The art of Japanese fish printing, a modern application of stone-rubbing technique. |