gynostemma pentaphyllum



China's "immortality herb" Used by Chinese to extend their lives to 100 years or more- regarded as "like ginseng... but better." The benefits are dizzying- as is the amount of scientific research behind it. Has more sterols than maca and less fermentable carbohydrates. Maca has 5 sterols while jiaogulan has around 90. Used to treat everything from high blood pressure to bronchitis, this high powered antioxidant has clinically shown to obstruct the growth of cancer and increase natural killer cells to fight tumors. A key adaptogen, meaning it adapts. If the body needs rest, jiaogulan promotes rest. If the body needs to be energized, the herb does that as well. It adapts to your body's needs and helps protect it from stress, toxins, bad diet, excessive exercise, electric devices, free radicals, DNA damage, etc. 300 athletes were tested with jiaogulan and ALL reported increased energy, calmness and alertness.Very effective at improving sleep. Has 4 times more saponins and seven times more sterols than ginseng, including beta-sitosterol, which blocks DHT formation(stops hair loss), reduces prostate inflammation better than saw palmetto and lowers cholesterol. Sterols dilate blood vessels to lower blood pressure and reduce inflammation. Regulates blood pressure and cholesterol, bringing both high and low levels back to normal(lowers LDL while raising HDL), thus helping prevent artherosclerosis, stroke and heart attack. Actually makes heart more efficient, raising heart output without raising the heart rate or blood pressure. Perfect for athletes. Helps shield liver against toxic chemicals, proven to help treat hepatitis. Said to be very effective at healing bronchitis, soothing the nervous system, supports the adrenal glands, which produce the body's own anti-inflammatory steroids, and helps regulate the immune system, making it good for treating autoimmune disorders. Jiaogulan increases levels of SOD, and elevates white blood cell counts. Even helps weight loss by inhibiting the body's tendency to store sugars as fat. It’s a vine in the cucumber/gourd family, but has no fruit. Leaves are serrated and in groups of 5, sometimes 3 or 7. Tiny greenish flowers.