释义 |
gynatresia gyn·a·tre·si·a (jin'ă-trē'zē-ă), Although the first syllable of this word is correctly pronounced jīn, it is often pronounced gīn, gĭn or jĭn.Occlusion of some part of the female genital tract, especially occlusion of the vagina by a thick membrane. [gyn- + G. a- priv. + trēsis, a hole] gynatresia (jĭ-nă-trē′zē-ă) (jī-) (gī-) [″ + a-, not, + tresis, perforation] Occlusion of part of the female reproductive tract, especially of the vagina.gynatresia A congenital closure of any part of the female genital tract, especially the VAGINA. |