Basangov, Baatr Badmaevich

Basangov, Baatr Badmaevich


(pseudonym, Ga-shuta Baatr). Born 1911, in the settlement of Pekerta; died 1944. Soviet Kalmyk writer. Born into a peasant family. Graduated from a school for peasant youth.

In 1928, Basangov began to publish feature stories and short stories in the newspaper of the republic, Tangchin ziang (Regional News). In 1931, he published the tale The Truth of Bygone Days. He wrote the plays Chuche, The Tardy Rich Man, and Song About Mother. In his best work, the tale Bulgun, Basangov portrayed the hard life of Kalmyk women before the revolution. He compiled the extensive Russian-Kalmyk Dictionary (1940).


Bumbin orn. Elista, 1961.
In Russian translation:
V Kalmytskoi stepi. Moscow, 1958.
Pravda minuvshikh let. Elista, 1962.