basal ridge

al·ve·o·lar pro·cess of maxilla

[TA] the projecting ridge on the inferior surface of the body of the maxilla that contains the tooth sockets; the term is also applied to the superior aspect of the body of the mandible, containing the tooth sockets of the lower jaw. Synonym(s): processus alveolaris maxillae [TA], alveolar body, alveolar bone (1) , alveolar border (2) , alveolar ridge, basal ridge (1) , dental process

basal ridge

(1) Alveolar process of maxilla; processus alveolaris maxillae [NA6]. 
(2) Cingulum (of tooth); cingulum (dentis) [NA6].

basal ridge

An eminence on the lingual surface of the incisor teeth, esp. the upper ones. It is situated near the gum. Synonym: cingulum (2)

basal ridge

An eminence on the lingual surface of the incisor teeth, esp. the upper ones. It is situated near the gum. Synonym: cingulum (2)See also: ridge

cin·gu·lum of tooth

(singgyū-lŭm tūth) [TA] U- or W-shaped ridge at the base of the lingual surface of the crown of the maxillary incisors and cuspid teeth, the lateral limbs running for a short distance along the linguoproximal line angles, the central portion just above the gingiva.
Synonym(s): basal ridge (2) , lingual lobe.

al·ve·o·lar pro·cess of max·il·la

(al-vēŏ-lăr proses mak-silă) [TA] Projecting ridge on inferior surface of body of maxilla that contains the tooth sockets; also denotes superior aspect of body of mandible, containing tooth sockets of the lower jaw.
Synonym(s): alveolar body, alveolar bone (2) , alveolar border (2) , alveolar ridge, basal ridge (1) , dental process.