

单词 impress



to apply pressure; to affect or influence strongly; to compel someone to serve in the military
Not to be confused with:empress – a woman who rules an empire; the wife or widow of an emperor

im·press 1

I0065400 (ĭm-prĕs′)tr.v. im·pressed, im·press·ing, im·press·es 1. To affect strongly, often favorably: wrote down whatever impressed me during the journey; was impressed by the child's sincerity.2. To produce or attempt to produce a vivid impression or image of: a scene that impressed itself on her memory; parents that impress the value of money on their children.3. To mark or stamp with pressure: impressed the wax with a design.4. To apply with pressure; press: impressed the stamp onto the wax.n. (ĭm′prĕs′)1. The act of impressing: a design left by impress of a seal.2. A mark or pattern of influence produced by someone or something; an impression: a politician who left her impress on foreign policy.3. A stamp or seal meant to be impressed.
[Middle English impressen, to imprint, from Old French empresser, from Latin impressus, past participle of imprimere : in-, in; see in-2 + premere, to press; see per- in Indo-European roots.]

im·press 2

I0065400 (ĭm-prĕs′)tr.v. im·pressed, im·press·ing, im·press·es 1. To compel (a person) to serve in the military, particularly in the naval forces, especially by seizure.2. To seize (property) by force or authority, especially for military purposes; confiscate.3. Law To impose a constructive trust or a lien upon property, as a matter of equity, to protect a person without legal title but with a legally recognized interest.n. (ĭm′prĕs) Impressment.
[in- + press (influenced by obsolete imprest, advance on a soldier's pay).]


vb (tr) 1. to make an impression on; have a strong, lasting, or favourable effect on: I am impressed by your work. 2. to produce (an imprint, etc) by pressure in or on (something): to impress a seal in wax; to impress wax with a seal. 3. (often foll by on) to stress (something to a person); urge; emphasize: to impress the danger of a situation on someone. 4. to exert pressure on; press5. (Electronics) electronics to apply (a voltage) to a circuit or device n 6. the act or an instance of impressing 7. a mark, imprint, or effect produced by impressing [C14: from Latin imprimere to press into, imprint, from premere to press1] imˈpresser n imˈpressible adj


vb (Military) to commandeer or coerce (men or things) into government service; press-gang n (Military) the act of commandeering or coercing into government service; impressment [C16: see im- in-2, press2]


(v. ɪmˈprɛs; n. ˈɪm prɛs)

v.t. 1. to affect deeply or strongly; influence: He impressed us as sincere. 2. to establish firmly: We impressed on her the importance of honesty. 3. to press (an object) into something. 4. to produce (a mark) by pressure; imprint. 5. to apply with pressure so as to leave an imprint. 6. to furnish with a mark by or as if by stamping. 7. to cause (a voltage) to appear or be produced on a conductor, circuit, etc. v.i. 8. to create a favorable impression: behavior intended to impress. n. 9. the act of impressing. 10. a mark made by or as if by pressure. 11. effect; impression. [1325–75; Middle English < Latin imprimere to press into or upon, impress =im- im-1 + -primere, comb. form of premere to press2]


(v. ɪmˈprɛs; n. ˈɪm prɛs)
v.t. 1. to press or force into public service, esp. into the navy. 2. to take for public use. 3. to enlist into service by forceful argument. n. 4. impressment. [1590–1600; im-1 + press2]


Past participle: impressed
Gerund: impressing
I impress
you impress
he/she/it impresses
we impress
you impress
they impress
I impressed
you impressed
he/she/it impressed
we impressed
you impressed
they impressed
Present Continuous
I am impressing
you are impressing
he/she/it is impressing
we are impressing
you are impressing
they are impressing
Present Perfect
I have impressed
you have impressed
he/she/it has impressed
we have impressed
you have impressed
they have impressed
Past Continuous
I was impressing
you were impressing
he/she/it was impressing
we were impressing
you were impressing
they were impressing
Past Perfect
I had impressed
you had impressed
he/she/it had impressed
we had impressed
you had impressed
they had impressed
I will impress
you will impress
he/she/it will impress
we will impress
you will impress
they will impress
Future Perfect
I will have impressed
you will have impressed
he/she/it will have impressed
we will have impressed
you will have impressed
they will have impressed
Future Continuous
I will be impressing
you will be impressing
he/she/it will be impressing
we will be impressing
you will be impressing
they will be impressing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been impressing
you have been impressing
he/she/it has been impressing
we have been impressing
you have been impressing
they have been impressing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been impressing
you will have been impressing
he/she/it will have been impressing
we will have been impressing
you will have been impressing
they will have been impressing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been impressing
you had been impressing
he/she/it had been impressing
we had been impressing
you had been impressing
they had been impressing
I would impress
you would impress
he/she/it would impress
we would impress
you would impress
they would impress
Past Conditional
I would have impressed
you would have impressed
he/she/it would have impressed
we would have impressed
you would have impressed
they would have impressed
Noun1.impress - the act of coercing someone into government serviceimpressmentseizure - the taking possession of something by legal process
Verb1.impress - have an emotional or cognitive impact uponimpress - have an emotional or cognitive impact upon; "This child impressed me as unusually mature"; "This behavior struck me as odd"strike, affect, moveinfect - affect in a contagious way; "His laughter infects everyone who is in the same room"surprise - cause to be surprised; "The news really surprised me"ingrain, instill, impress - produce or try to produce a vivid impression of; "Mother tried to ingrain respect for our elders in us"awaken - make aware; "They were awakened to the sad facts"incite, motivate, prompt, propel, actuate, move - give an incentive for action; "This moved me to sacrifice my career"engrave - impress or affect deeply; "The event engraved itself into her memory"strike dumb - render speechless, as by surprising or shocking; "we were struck dumb by the candidate's announcement"zap - strike suddenly and with force; "This show zaps the viewers with some shocking scenes"jar - affect in a disagreeable way; "This play jarred the audience"hit home, strike a note, strike home, strike a chord - refer to or be relevant or familiar to; "I hope this message hits home!"smite - affect suddenly with deep feeling; "He was smitten with love for this young girl"cloud - make gloomy or depressed; "Their faces were clouded with sadness"pierce - move or affect (a person's emotions or bodily feelings) deeply or sharply; "The cold pierced her bones"; "Her words pierced the students"impress - impress positively; "The young chess player impressed her audience"sweep off, sweep away - overwhelm emotionally; "Her swept her away"disturb, trouble, upset - move deeply; "This book upset me"; "A troubling thought"touch, stir - affect emotionally; "A stirring movie"; "I was touched by your kind letter of sympathy"move - arouse sympathy or compassion in; "Her fate moved us all"sadden - make unhappy; "The news of her death saddened me"alienate - make withdrawn or isolated or emotionally dissociated; "the boring work alienated his employees"come to, hit, strike - cause to experience suddenly; "Panic struck me"; "An interesting idea hit her"; "A thought came to me"; "The thought struck terror in our minds"; "They were struck with fear"
2.impress - impress positively; "The young chess player impressed her audience"impress, strike, affect, move - have an emotional or cognitive impact upon; "This child impressed me as unusually mature"; "This behavior struck me as odd"prepossess - make a positive impression (on someone) beforehand; "A prepossessing appearance"wow - impress greatly; "The speaker wowed the audience"
3.impress - produce or try to produce a vivid impression of; "Mother tried to ingrain respect for our elders in us"ingrain, instillimpress, strike, affect, move - have an emotional or cognitive impact upon; "This child impressed me as unusually mature"; "This behavior struck me as odd"
4.impress - mark or stamp with or as if with pressure; "To make a batik, you impress a design with wax"imprintchange surface - undergo or cause to undergo a change in the surfacestamp - to mark, or produce an imprint in or on something; "a man whose name is permanently stamped on our maps"boss, emboss, stamp - raise in a relief; "embossed stationery"
5.impress - reproduce by printingprintwrite - mark or trace on a surface; "The artist wrote Chinese characters on a big piece of white paper"; "Russian is written with the Cyrillic alphabet"letter - set down or print with letterstypeset, set - set in type; "My book will be typeset nicely"; "set these words in italics"prove - take a trial impression ofoffset - produce by offset printing; "offset the conference proceedings"overprint, print over - print (additional text or colors) onto an already imprinted papercyclostyle - print with an implement with small toothed wheels that cuts small holes in a stencilboldface - print in boldfaceitalicise, italicize - print in italics
6.impress - take (someone) against his will for compulsory service, especially on board a ship; "The men were shanghaied after being drugged"shanghaicrime, criminal offence, criminal offense, law-breaking, offense, offence - (criminal law) an act punishable by law; usually considered an evil act; "a long record of crimes"abduct, kidnap, nobble, snatch - take away to an undisclosed location against their will and usually in order to extract a ransom; "The industrialist's son was kidnapped"
7.impress - dye (fabric) before it is spunyarn-dyedye - color with dye; "Please dye these shoes"


verb1. excite, move, strike, touch, affect, influence, inspire, grab (informal), amaze, overcome, stir, overwhelm, astonish, dazzle, sway, awe, overawe, make an impression on What impressed him most was their speed.impress something on or upon someone stress, bring home to, instil in, drum into, knock into, emphasize to, fix in, inculcate in, ingrain in I've impressed on them the need for professionalism.


verb1. To evoke a usually strong mental or emotional response from:affect, get (to), move, strike, touch.2. To fix (an idea, for example) in someone's mind by reemphasis and repetition:drill, drive, implant, inculcate, instill, pound.3. To produce a deep impression of:engrave, etch, fix, grave, imprint, inscribe, stamp.nounThe visible effect made on a surface by pressure:impression, imprint, indent, indentation, mark, print, stamp.


(imˈpres) verb1. to cause feelings of admiration etc in (a person). I was impressed by his good behaviour. 令人感動,令人欽佩 使钦佩,使敬仰 2. (with on or upon) to stress (something to someone). I must impress upon you the need for silence. 強調 给…留下深刻的印象3. to fix (a fact etc in the mind). She re-read the plans in order to impress the details on her memory. 銘記 铭刻4. make (a mark) on something by pressing. a footprint impressed in the sand. 印在 压,印 imˈpression (-ʃən) noun1. the idea or effect produced in someone's mind by a person, experience etc. The film made a great impression on me. 印象 印象2. a vague idea. I have the impression that he's not pleased. 模糊的概念 模糊的观念3. the mark left by an object on another object. The dog left an impression of its paws in the wet cement. 痕跡 印记4. a single printing of a book etc. 單次印刷的數量 印次imˈpressive (-siv) adjective (negative unimpressive) making a great impression on a person's mind, feelings etc. an impressive ceremony. 讓人深刻印象的 给人深刻印象的imˈpressively adverb 令人感動地,令人欽佩地 感人地,令人印象深刻地 imˈpressiveness noun 令人感動,令人欽佩 令人感动,令人难忘 be under the impression (that) to have the (often wrong) feeling or idea that. I was under the impression that you were paying for this meal. (誤)以為 以为




impress (someone) as (something)

To please and affect someone by exhibiting a particular skill or manner. I think she'll make a great receptionist—she certainly impressed me as a calm person, especially under pressure.See also: impress

impress by (something)

To please and affect someone by exhibiting a particular skill or manner. A noun or pronoun can be used between "impress" and "by." I'm very impressed by your ability to stay calm under pressure, which is certainly what we need in a receptionist. You really impressed the committee by your bold thinking.See also: by, impress

impress (someone) with (something)

To please and affect someone by exhibiting a particular skill or manner. You really impressed the committee with your bold plan for the initiative.See also: impress

impress (something) into (something)

To press or push something into something else. I impressed the baby's foot into the ink pad and then onto the piece of paper.See also: impress

impress (something) (up)on (someone)

1. To press or push something into something else in order to make a mark or print. I impressed the baby's footprint on the sheet of paper.2. To put forth effort so that someone learns or remembers something. I try to impress the importance of strong morals upon my kids every day.See also: impress

impress someone as something

to be memorable to someone as a particular type of person. She didn't impress me as a particularly wise individual. Liz impressed us all as a skilled artisan.See also: impress

impress someone by something

to make someone notice one's good qualities. You impress me by your willingness to serve. We were all impressed by your candor.See also: by, impress

impress someone with someone or something

to awe someone with someone or something. Are you trying to impress me with your wisdom? She impressed him with her friend, who was very tall.See also: impress

impress something into something

to press something into something. I impressed the key into the wax, making a perfect copy. Andy impressed his thumb into the pie.See also: impress

impress something (up)on someone

to make someone fully aware of something. (Upon is formal and less commonly used than on.) You must impress these facts upon everyone you meet. She impressed its importance on me.See also: impress, on

impress something (up)on something

to press something into the surface of something, leaving a mark. The ribbing of my socks impressed a pattern upon my calves. The heavy vase impressed its outline on the pine tabletop.See also: impress, on

impress on

or impress uponv.1. To produce something, as a mark or pattern, on a surface by pressure; imprint something on a surface: We impressed the stencil outline on the fabric.2. To impart a strong or vivid impression of something in the mind of someone: The singing coach impressed her theories of music on me.See also: impress, on



The presentation graphics program in an office suite. See OpenOffice and LibreOffice.



Cardiology A clinical trial–Inhibition of Metalloprotease by BMS-186716 in a Randomized Exercise and Symptoms Study


IMPRESSIntermetallic Materials Processing in Relation to Earth and Space Solidification (European Space Agency)
IMPRESSIntegrated Multi-Paradigm Reliable and Extensible Storage System
IMPRESSIntra-Molecular Propagation of Electron Spin States


  • all
  • verb
  • noun
  • phrase

Synonyms for impress

verb excite


  • excite
  • move
  • strike
  • touch
  • affect
  • influence
  • inspire
  • grab
  • amaze
  • overcome
  • stir
  • overwhelm
  • astonish
  • dazzle
  • sway
  • awe
  • overawe
  • make an impression on

phrase impress something on or upon someone


  • stress
  • bring home to
  • instil in
  • drum into
  • knock into
  • emphasize to
  • fix in
  • inculcate in
  • ingrain in

Synonyms for impress

verb to evoke a usually strong mental or emotional response from


  • affect
  • get
  • move
  • strike
  • touch

verb to fix (an idea, for example) in someone's mind by reemphasis and repetition


  • drill
  • drive
  • implant
  • inculcate
  • instill
  • pound

verb to produce a deep impression of


  • engrave
  • etch
  • fix
  • grave
  • imprint
  • inscribe
  • stamp

noun the visible effect made on a surface by pressure


  • impression
  • imprint
  • indent
  • indentation
  • mark
  • print
  • stamp

Synonyms for impress

noun the act of coercing someone into government service


  • impressment

Related Words

  • seizure

verb have an emotional or cognitive impact upon


  • strike
  • affect
  • move

Related Words

  • infect
  • surprise
  • ingrain
  • instill
  • impress
  • awaken
  • incite
  • motivate
  • prompt
  • propel
  • actuate
  • move
  • engrave
  • strike dumb
  • zap
  • jar
  • hit home
  • strike a note
  • strike home
  • strike a chord
  • smite
  • cloud
  • pierce
  • sweep off
  • sweep away
  • disturb
  • trouble
  • upset
  • touch
  • stir
  • sadden
  • alienate
  • come to
  • hit
  • strike

verb impress positively

Related Words

  • impress
  • strike
  • affect
  • move
  • prepossess
  • wow

verb produce or try to produce a vivid impression of


  • ingrain
  • instill

Related Words

  • impress
  • strike
  • affect
  • move

verb mark or stamp with or as if with pressure


  • imprint

Related Words

  • change surface
  • stamp
  • boss
  • emboss

verb reproduce by printing


  • print

Related Words

  • write
  • letter
  • typeset
  • set
  • prove
  • offset
  • overprint
  • print over
  • cyclostyle
  • boldface
  • italicise
  • italicize

verb take (someone) against his will for compulsory service, especially on board a ship


  • shanghai

Related Words

  • crime
  • criminal offence
  • criminal offense
  • law-breaking
  • offense
  • offence
  • abduct
  • kidnap
  • nobble
  • snatch

verb dye (fabric) before it is spun


  • yarn-dye

Related Words

  • dye




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