Acronym | Definition |
GWP➣Global Warming Potential |
GWP➣Gift With Purchase |
GWP➣Global Water Partnership |
GWP➣Glendale Water and Power (California) |
GWP➣Guinea-Bissau Peso (currency code: now GNF) |
GWP➣German Wirehaired Pointer (dog breed) |
GWP➣Good Weighing Practice (weighing instrument guideline) |
GWP➣Gross World Product |
GWP➣Gross Written Premiums |
GWP➣Global Warming Party |
GWP➣General Work Permit |
GWP➣Good Warehouse Practice (industry standard) |
GWP➣Gaussian Wave Packet |
GWP➣Guild Wars Platinum (gaming) |
GWP➣God Will Provide |
GWP➣Geo Web Publisher |
GWP➣Get Well Plan |
GWP➣General War Plan |
GWP➣Glenfarne Wood Products Ltd (Ireland) |
GWP➣Giga Watt Peak |