Holy Innocents
Innocents, Holy:
see Holy InnocentsHoly Innocents,in the New Testament, children of Bethlehem "from two years old and under," killed by the order of Herod the Great in the attempt to destroy the infant Jesus. The Innocents have been venerated in the Christian Church as martyrs since ancient times.
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Holy Innocents,
in the New Testament, children of Bethlehem "from two years old and under," killed by the order of HerodHerod,dynasty reigning in Palestine at the time of Jesus. As a dynasty the Herods depended largely on the power of Rome. They are usually blamed for the state of virtual anarchy in Palestine at the beginning of the Christian era.
Antipater (fl. c.65 B.C.
..... Click the link for more information. the Great in the attempt to destroy the infant Jesus. The Innocents have been venerated in the Christian Church as martyrs since ancient times. In the Eastern Church they are known as the Holy Children. Their feast, formerly known in England as Childermas, is Dec. 28.