

单词 holy



sacred; hallowed: holy ground
Not to be confused with:holey – full of holes: holey cheesewholly – completely; entirely: The group was wholly in favor of the proposition.


H0239200 (hō′lē)adj. ho·li·er, ho·li·est 1. Belonging to, derived from, or associated with a divine power; sacred.2. Regarded with veneration or specified for a religious purpose: a holy book; a holy place.3. Living or undertaken with highly moral or spiritual purpose; saintly: a holy person; a holy way of life.4. Regarded as deserving special respect or reverence: The pursuit of peace is our holiest quest.5. Informal Used as an intensive: raised holy hell over the mischief their children did.
[Middle English holi, from Old English hālig; see kailo- in Indo-European roots.]
ho′li·ly adv.ho′li·ness n.


(ˈhəʊlɪ) adj, holier or holiest1. (Ecclesiastical Terms) of, relating to, or associated with God or a deity; sacred2. (Ecclesiastical Terms) endowed or invested with extreme purity or sublimity3. (Ecclesiastical Terms) devout, godly, or virtuous4. holier-than-thou offensively sanctimonious or self-righteous: a holier-than-thou attitude. 5. holy terror a. a difficult or frightening personb. Irish informal a person who is an active gambler, womanizer, etcn, pl -lies (Ecclesiastical Terms) a. a sacred placeb. the holy (functioning as plural) persons or things invested with holiness[Old English hālig, hǣlig; related to Old Saxon hēlag, Gothic hailags, German heilig; see hallow]


(ˈhoʊ li)

adj. -li•er, -li•est. 1. recognized as or declared sacred by religious use or authority; consecrated: holy ground. 2. dedicated or devoted to the service of God, the church, or religion. 3. saintly; pious; devout. 4. having a spiritually pure quality: a holy love. 5. venerated as or as if sacred: a holy relic. 6. inspiring fear, awe, or distress: He's a holy terror when he's angry. [before 900; Middle English holi, Old English hālig, variant of hāleg=hāl whole + -eg -y1; c. Old Saxon hēlag, Old High German heilag, Old Norse heilagr] ho′li•ly, adv. syn: holy, sacred, hallowed refer to something that is the object of worship or veneration. holy refers to the divine, that which has its sanctity directly from God or is connected with Him: Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Something that is sacred is usu. dedicated to a religious purpose by human authority: a sacred shrine. Something that is hallowed has been made holy by being worshiped or venerated: The church graveyard is hallowed ground.
Noun1.holy - a sacred place of pilgrimageholy - a sacred place of pilgrimage holy place, sanctumplace, spot, topographic point - a point located with respect to surface features of some region; "this is a nice place for a picnic"; "a bright spot on a planet"
Adj.1.holy - belonging to or derived from or associated with a divine powerconsecrate, consecrated, dedicated - solemnly dedicated to or set apart for a high purpose; "a life consecrated to science"; "the consecrated chapel"; "a chapel dedicated to the dead of World War II"sacred - concerned with religion or religious purposes; "sacred texts"; "sacred rites"; "sacred music"unhallowed, unholy - not hallowed or consecrated


adjective1. sacred, blessed, hallowed, dedicated, venerable, consecrated, venerated, sacrosanct, sanctified To them, as to all Tibetans, this is a holy place.
sacred unholy, desecrated, unconsecrated, unhallowed, unsanctified
2. devout, godly, religious, pure, divine, faithful, righteous, pious, virtuous, hallowed, saintly, god-fearing The Indians think of him as a holy man.
devout worldly, earthly, evil, corrupt, secular, immoral, wicked, sinful, unholy, blasphemous, sacrilegious, irreligious, impiousQuotations
"Is that which is holy loved by the gods because it is holy, or is it holy because it is loved by the gods?" [Plato Euthyphro]


adjective1. Of, from, like, or being a god or God:deific, divine, godlike, godly, heavenly.2. In the service or worship of God or a god:divine, religious, sacred.3. Regarded with particular reverence or respect:blessed, hallowed, sacred, sacrosanct.4. Deeply concerned with God and the beliefs and practice of religion:devotional, devout, godly, pietistic, pietistical, pious, prayerful, religious, saintly.


(ˈhəuli) adjective1. (worthy of worship or respect because) associated with God, Jesus, a saint etc; sacred. the Holy Bible; holy ground. 神聖的 神圣的2. good; pure; following the rules of religion. a holy life. 聖潔的,獻身宗教的 献身于宗教的ˈholiness noun1. the state of being holy. 神聖 神圣2. (with capital. with His, ~Your etc) a title of the Pope. 教宗陛下 教皇陛下the Holy Father the Pope. 天主教教宗 罗马教皇Holy ˈThursday noun1. Ascension Day. 耶穌升天節 耶稣升天节2. Maundy Thursday. 濯足日(受難週的星期四) 濯足星期四(耶酥受难节-复活节后第四十天以后的第一个星期四)




holy crap

A mildly indecent exclamation of surprise, shock, or astonishment. Holy crap, the bill for that dinner is nearly $200! We won the lottery? Holy crap, that's amazing news!See also: crap, holy

holy crap on a cracker

A mildly indecent exclamation of surprise, shock, or astonishment. (An emphatic form of "holy crap.") Holy crap on a cracker, the bill for that dinner is nearly $200! We won the lottery? Holy crap on a cracker, that's amazing news!See also: cracker, crap, holy, on

holy crickets

An exclamation of surprise, shock, or astonishment. Holy crickets, the bill for that dinner is nearly $200! We won the lottery? Holy crickets, that's amazing news!See also: cricket, holy

a holy terror

A very troublesome, aggressive, or aggravating person; a person who is exasperatingly difficult in manner or behavior. I know that I was a holy terror when I was young, so I guess it's fitting that my own kids give me so much trouble.See also: holy, terror

(Holy) Mother of God

An exclamation of alarm, amazement, or exasperation. (Could be considered blasphemous to some.) Holy Mother of God, I thought that car was going to hit me! Oh, Mother of God, could you work any slower?See also: god, mother, of

holy fuck

rude slang An exclamation, typically of surprise, dismay, or anger. Holy fuck, did someone hit my car? Look at the size of that bear! Holy fuck!See also: fuck, holy

holy shit

rude slang An exclamation of surprise, shock, or astonishment. Holy shit, the bill for the dinner is nearly $200! We won the lottery? Holy shit, that's amazing news!See also: holy, shit

holy cow

An exclamation of surprise, shock, or astonishment. Holy cow, the bill for that dinner is nearly $200! We won the lottery? Holy cow, that's amazing news!See also: cow, holy

holy mackerel

An exclamation of surprise, shock, or astonishment. Holy mackerel, the bill for that dinner is nearly $200! We won the lottery? Holy mackerel, that's amazing news!See also: holy, mackerel

holy moley

An exclamation of surprise, shock, or astonishment. Holy moley, the bill for that dinner is nearly $200! We won the lottery? Holy moley, that's amazing news!See also: holy, moley

holy smoke(s)

An exclamation expressing surprise or amazement. Holy smokes! Have you ever seen a car go so fast? We won the lottery? Holy smoke, that's amazing news!See also: holy


Sanctimonious; maintaining an obnoxious air of moral superiority or condescension. (Usually used before a noun, especially "attitude.") While he makes good points, his holier-than-thou attitude is not likely to win him many allies.

holy of holies

A sacred or special place. Although used more generally today, the phrase originally described the sanctuary of the tabernacle in the Temple of Jerusalem where the Ark of the Covenant was kept. When it comes to college basketball, this is sacred ground—the holy of holies.See also: holy, of

be in holy orders

To have been ordained a priest. Holy Orders is the sacrament by which one becomes a priest. Michael always wanted to be a priest, so I'm not surprised to hear that he's in holy orders now.See also: holy, order

take holy orders

To join the priesthood. Holy Orders is the sacrament by which one becomes a priest. Michael has always wanted to be a priest, and he's finally going to take holy orders later this year.See also: holy, order, take

holy Joe

1. A minister or clergyman. I hope the holy Joe is in the chapel right now—I really need to talk to someone.2. Someone who is very pious and/or self-righteous. Of course holy Joe judges all of us for not going to Mass regularly.See also: holy, joe

a holy stink

slang A fuss. There's no need to raise a holy stink about this, Eleanor—we'll figure something out.See also: holy, stink

holy Hannah

An exclamation of surprise, shock, or astonishment. Holy Hannah, the bill for that dinner is nearly $200! We won the lottery? Holy Hannah, that's amazing news!See also: holy

Holy cow!

Inf. Wow! Holy cow! I never expected such a nice gift! Give me a chance! Holy cow, don't rush me!See also: holy

holy Joe

 1. a chaplain; a cleric; a clergyman. I went to see the holy Joe, and he was a lot of help. Old holy Joe wants to see all of us at services. 2. a very pious person. Martin looks stuffy, but he's no holy Joe. Don't let that holy Joe hear about what you've done.See also: holy, joe

Holy mackerel!

Inf. Wow! Holy mackerel! What a beautiful day! Holy mackerel! What's this? A new car?See also: holy

Holy moley!

Inf. Wow! Holy moley! A whole quarter! Look, here's another one! Holy moley!See also: holy

holy cow

Also, holy mackerel or Moses or moly or smoke . An exclamation of surprise, astonishment, delight, or dismay, as in Holy cow, I forgot the wine, or Holy mackerel, you won! or Holy Moses, here comes the teacher! or Holy smoke, I didn't know you were here too. The oldest of these slangy expletives uses mackerel, dating from about 1800; the one with Moses dates from about 1850 and cow from about 1920. None has any literal significance, and moly is a neologism devised to rhyme with "holy" and possibly a euphemism for "Moses." See also: cow, holy

holy of holies

A place of awe or sacredness, as in The corporate board room is the holy of holies here. This expression is a translation of the Hebrew term for the sanctuary inside the tabernacle of the Temple of Jerusalem, where the sacred Ark of the Covenant was kept (Exodus 26:34). Its figurative use dates from the second half of the 1800s. See also: holy, of

holy terror

An exasperating individual, as in He was only five, but he was a holy terror, running wild through the house and throwing whatever he could lay his hands on . The adjective holy here is an intensifier. [Late 1800s] See also: holy, terror


If you describe someone as holier-than-thou, you mean that they seem to believe that they have better moral qualities than anyone else. He has always sounded holier-than-thou. I'm not going to be all holier-than-thou about this.

the holy of holies

If you describe something, especially a place, as the holy of holies, you mean that people think it is the most special or important thing of its kind. Last year, his work was performed at the Aldeburgh Festival, the holy of holies in the contemporary British music scene. Note: In a Jewish synagogue, the holy of holies is the inner room which only the chief rabbi may enter. See also: holy, of

holier than thou

characterized by an attitude of self-conscious virtue and piety. This phrase comes from Isaiah 65:5: ‘Stand by thyself, come not near to me; for I am holier than thou’.See also: holy, thou

holy of holies

a place or thing regarded as sacrosanct. The reference here is to the Hebrew phrase for the inner chamber of the sanctuary in the Jewish Temple at Jerusalem, separated by a veil from the outer chamber.See also: holy, of

ˌholy of ˈholies

(humorous) a special place which only particular people can enter: This room is the holy of holies. It contains the most valuable books in the world.The boss invited me into his holy of holies this morning. What a fantastic office he’s got!In a Jewish temple, the holy of holies is the inner part, which only the chief priest can enter.See also: holy, of


mod. superior in piety; condescending. She has such a holier-than-thou attitude.

Holy cow!

exclam. Wow! Give me a chance! Holy cow, don’t rush me! See also: holy

holy Joe

1. n. a chaplain; a cleric; a clergyman. Old holy Joe wants to see all of us at services. 2. n. a very pious person. Don’t let that holy Joe hear about what you’ve done. See also: holy, joe

Holy mackerel!

(ˈholi ˈmækrəl) exclam. Wow! Holy mackerel! What a day! See also: holy

Holy moley!

(ˈholi ˈmoli) exclam. Wow! (The exclamation used by the comic book character Captain Marvel.) Holy moley! A whole quarter! Shazam! See also: holy

holy stink

n. anything repellent; a real mess; a great argument or debate; a major issue. You really created a holy stink with that silly remark. See also: holy, stink

holy terror

n. a devilish person; a badly behaving child. Why is the boss such a holy terror today? See also: holy, terror

holier than thou

Sanctimonious, pretending moral superiority. This term comes from the Bible (Isaiah 65:5), where the prophet, speaking of sinners, holds that they say “Come not near me, for I am holier than thou.” The term is often used as an adjective (and hyphenated: holier-than-thou) as in Sinclair Lewis’s novel Babbitt (1922), “But I don’t want you to think you can get away with any of that holier-than-thou stuff.”See also: holy, thou



1. of, relating to, or associated with God or a deity; sacred 2. endowed or invested with extreme purity or sublimity 3. devout, godly, or virtuous 4. a. a sacred place b. the holy persons or things invested with holiness


HOLYHigh on Loving You (Florida Georgia Line song)
HOLYHe Only Loves You
HOLYHumanist Objective League of Youngstown (Youngstown, OH)
HOLYHaving Our Lives Yielded


Related to holy: Holy Bible, Holy Spirit, Holy Trinity, Holy god, Holy Quran
  • all
  • adj
  • noun

Synonyms for holy

adj sacred


  • sacred
  • blessed
  • hallowed
  • dedicated
  • venerable
  • consecrated
  • venerated
  • sacrosanct
  • sanctified


  • unholy
  • desecrated
  • unconsecrated
  • unhallowed
  • unsanctified

adj devout


  • devout
  • godly
  • religious
  • pure
  • divine
  • faithful
  • righteous
  • pious
  • virtuous
  • hallowed
  • saintly
  • god-fearing


  • worldly
  • earthly
  • evil
  • corrupt
  • secular
  • immoral
  • wicked
  • sinful
  • unholy
  • blasphemous
  • sacrilegious
  • irreligious
  • impious

Synonyms for holy

adj of, from, like, or being a god or God


  • deific
  • divine
  • godlike
  • godly
  • heavenly

adj in the service or worship of God or a god


  • divine
  • religious
  • sacred

adj regarded with particular reverence or respect


  • blessed
  • hallowed
  • sacred
  • sacrosanct

adj deeply concerned with God and the beliefs and practice of religion


  • devotional
  • devout
  • godly
  • pietistic
  • pietistical
  • pious
  • prayerful
  • religious
  • saintly

Synonyms for holy

noun a sacred place of pilgrimage


  • holy place
  • sanctum

Related Words

  • place
  • spot
  • topographic point

adj belonging to or derived from or associated with a divine power

Related Words

  • consecrate
  • consecrated
  • dedicated
  • sacred


  • unhallowed
  • unholy




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